
Showing posts from January, 2024


 "God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;" (Hebrews 1:1-2). The First Step to Hear the *VOICE OF GOD* is to have *JESUS in your Life, in your Boat, not just knowing Him as a Popular being or the Saviour of the world, but to MOVE and have your BEING in Him,* when you Settle this you must also Understand that *you need to daily Present yourself as a Living Sacrifice Holy and Acceptable unto God and Renew your Mind with the WORD OF GOD, so that you are able to Discern which is God's Voice among the Various  Voices that come to your Spirit and Mind,* because everything your mind interact with daily ends up reiterating as a Voice and Thought. Engage with the above  *Biblical Principle of Hearing the VOICE OF GOD* and experience tremendous result. Dropping my pen for today, we will look into the


 WHY DOES GOD GIVES US PROMISES FOR THE YEAR AND THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROMISE FOR THE JOURNEY OF THE YEAR. Crossing Over into the New Year, Rendering our Praises to God for the Previous year and putting Him forward concerning the Upcoming Year, One Spectacular Gift we receive from the Lord apart from various Blessings is the Word of the Lord concerning us, our Family, Business, Ministry, Organization etc..., but majority of us are lost in the excitement of this Year is my Year of this and that, but the purpose of the Word is not just to take it around like a balloon and fly with it, there is a Saying that when the Purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable. When God declares a Word over our Life and gives you Promises for the Year, It is meant to serve 2 Purposes. (1) *To Draw our attention to God in the year inorder to hold on to something to hope from God in the midst of Cloudy Situations.*  (2) *To Speak forth and Speak Light into the Missing Parts of our Life to Create