
Showing posts from March, 2023

Allow God to Chart the Course of your Life

 *Allow God to Chart the Course of your Life.*  How much have you allowed God to take the Lead of your Life, even when you have your own will.  *The ability to allow God be in Charge of the Steering wheel of your Life will give you more access into divinely prepared opportunities that your strength Can't bring you or you never know existed. We are in a World where we like to show off that we are making progress, and we are in the midst of doing stuffs, but God's Plan for your Life might be different, to access the future God has for you, is not only by desiring or wishing but by being able to Submit to the Process that makes the future come together.*    _How will you fit into the picture of the tomorrow God is taking you, when you are impatient to Understanding Seasons and how the Timings of God, how can your tomorrow not end suddenly when you are impatient to understand the Principle that Lifts a man high in Life without falling, all these are what you will be Knowledgeable a

Understanding the Operation of the Move of God in Our Life and Embracing it.

  Understanding the Operation of the Move of God in your Life and Embracing it. 📍 Speaking of the Move of God, it is  most times not restricted to a Certain Generation or a Location, it also Occurs in the Lives of Individual. Just Like God visited the Isrealite, there was a Part of God they were experiencing from the time they stepped into the Wilderness till the time they got to the Promise land up till the time they were taken into Slavery in Babylon, and because there is always more in God that we can't  mine to the brim, God was ready to bring the Children of Isrealite into an Unveiled dimension of His Kingdom (Heb 4:16) and that is where the Scripture is Coined from *"Let us Come bodly to the throne of God, that we might Obtain Mercy in times of Need",* this Scripture was Initially not a Reality to the Isrealite,  because before there was a Veil between them and there maker they could not access the throne without Guilt. But God introduced a New Move into their Life