Understanding the Operation of the Move of God in Our Life and Embracing it.


Understanding the Operation of the Move of God in your Life and Embracing it.

πŸ“ Speaking of the Move of God, it is  most times not restricted to a Certain Generation or a Location, it also Occurs in the Lives of Individual. Just Like God visited the Isrealite, there was a Part of God they were experiencing from the time they stepped into the Wilderness till the time they got to the Promise land up till the time they were taken into Slavery in Babylon, and because there is always more in God that we can't  mine to the brim, God was ready to bring the Children of Isrealite into an Unveiled dimension of His Kingdom (Heb 4:16) and that is where the Scripture is Coined from *"Let us Come bodly to the throne of God, that we might Obtain Mercy in times of Need",* this Scripture was Initially not a Reality to the Isrealite,  because before there was a Veil between them and there maker they could not access the throne without Guilt. But God introduced a New Move into their Life through the Gift of Salvation in Christ, whereby regardless of the Sin they can still access the throne, because Christ has been made as a Ransom for us and has paid any debt we might owe as Sin, this Moved of God introduced to the Isrealite break the grip of limitation in accessing the Mind of God, and not only was this Precious Opportunity opened to Only the Isrealite but to the Entire World, and this was how we had the Gift of the Holyspirit and the Fellowship of the Holyspirit.

πŸ“ŒWe can therefore see how marvellous the Move of God is, it doesn't leave you the same way, and brings about a Great turnaround, just as we can see the transition in that Generation and group of People. Individually we can also experience the move of God in our life, whereby we Experience another Dimension of God's Act and Sovereignty in our Life. An Example of People who experience the Move of God in their Lives where *(Moses, Gideon, Ruth, Esther, Mary, Apostle Paul),* no doubt we have many Servants of God and which are examples we read today but If you look into the lives of these ones, you will notice another dimension there life began to Operate after God showed up in their Life and they came to Submit under His Mighty Hand.

 *πŸ“You might have been wondering how do I Understand the Operation of the Move of God in my Life?* 

πŸ‘‡πŸ» _Below are some points that will be of Help._ 

a. *When you Surrender your Life to Christ to become your Lord and Personal Saviour.* (Colossians 1:13)

b. *When your Calling is Levelled up from a Disciple of Christ to a Representative of God's Kingdom here on Earth* (Ephesians 4:11).

c. *When you have been tasked by God to take up an Agenda of God's Kingdom to a People or Nation and to help them to be established in it.* (Exodus 3:6-10)

d. *Another Example is that God can Specifically reveal him personally to you and lead you through your designed part.* (1 Samuel 3:4-12)

πŸ‘†πŸ»As much as we might be enjoying the Series above and Praying that we Experience the Move of God as our Life is greatly transformed and upskill by it, we must also know that there are things that restrict the Move of God in our Life, Generation or Location, don't be Surprised because even the Scripture made us to understand that *"Though they knew God, but they refuse to retain Him in their Knowledge"* (Romans 1:28-32), and even when God revealed Himself to the Older Generation of the Isrealite, they refuse to......, and thereby the could not enter into their Rest(Hebrews 4:6). 

 _When we Pray for the Move of God and desire it, we must also take note of the Following below which may Hinder the Move of God._ 

i. *When we resist the way the Spirit of God desires to Move.* 

ii. *When we bring our Own Agenda to the table, and dishonor God's Own Agenda* .

iii. *When we seek Self Gain.* 

iv. *When we lack Humility.* 

πŸ‘†πŸ» When we see this Play out in our life, we should immediately surrender them to God because we can't help ourselves, so that this limitation can be taken off and we can experience God's Mighty Act in Our Life.

 πŸ“Imagine If Mary had resisted the Golden Opportunity of Carrying the Messiah of the World, or Gideon has become Obstinate with the Angel that brought the Message from the Lord, see what great thing they would have missed out and they could never had been a blessing to the World. 

 For you to live out all that is written concerning you, you must be ready to embrace God's move in and out of Season, this move may Stretch you, at times the inception of it might seems scary, but when we submit ourselves under the Mighty Hand of God, we will come to receive the Full benefit of it._

 Stay Blessed.

✍️✍️✍️ Olufunke Writes Series.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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