"For we do not have a High priest who is unable to empathize with our Weaknesses/Pain, but we have one who has also been tempted in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin./yet he was not Consumed by the Pain" .(Hebrews 4:15)

The Difference between *CHRIST* and any Remedial Solution in distress, weakness and pain is that regardless of His Spiritually Stature, He came so low to our State to bear the same short-comings that befall Men. When Christ is Proffered as a Solution in any State of Distress, It is not trying to Override the Spiritual over Reality or try to be Religious in an Intellectual Context, but because *GOD* knew that Pain, Temptation, Weakness are things that Men will have to encounter as part of Life Journey, therefore Christ also had to go through this Process inorder to Administer Healing Effectively and to Solve whatever pain we might encounter be it Emotional, Spiritual, Mental or Physical, any Remedial Solution you Subscribe for Healing especially [Emotional,Mental and Spiritual], without incorporating Christ Strategy into the Solution has no capacity to bring the desired Transformation we desire. God's Extended hand of Healing is not only excluded to the Physical or Bodily but to all aspect of Life.

 Therefore refocus your Pain, Weakness and Distress to Christ and not Supplementary Remedy or Patching it up with badges, because Christ has the Capacity to bore them without a traces left or yoke Unturned because His Balm is soothing than any remedy.



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