
Showing posts from April, 2023

Principle for Entering into the Rest of God

 *Principles for Entering into the Rest of God*  (Hebrews 4:9-11) _"There remaineth therefore a rest for the People of God"._  After the Fall of man, a Consequence came from this action, which we are aware that Man was sent out of the Garden of Eden and what He could do with Ease now became a Struggle become He had to toil from the Ground to get the produce of his harvest which comes to him easily before and since this, the Human Race has been in a State of Unrest and labour and this has been passed down from generation to generation we see people labouring effortlessly to produce result, but once we come to a Reconciliation and Fellowship with God and step out of Sin and we become Identified with God, a Significant benefit of this Relationship is that of *REST* (where the Curse of labouring and toiling to get Result is averted from us, and we can have access into that which is our Inheritance from the beginning), but even with this Knowledge it is possible for a man to be re

Significance of Prophecy in our Life

 *[The Significance of Prophecy and How we are to align for the Manifestation thereof in our lives].*  📍When we hear of Prophecy what actually comes to majority of People's mind is some words framed by some so called men & women of God telling people about what to come inorder to gain their attention, but is that really true, through out the Bible we saw God speaking both His Promises, Instructions for our Excelling in Life and also Future experiences of what He intends to do. As we know that God has a Plan for each and every one of us, the only way we know what God intends to do in our life in the Next 5-10years is when He reveals His Mind to us. He speaks of things that are not yet Seen as things that are Seen *(This is What we call a Prophetic Word),* and God does not just give us a Prophetic Word over any area we awaits His Manifestation by making our Head rise or Sweeping us our Feet, but a Word from God about our tomorrow is expand our Mind to See Possibilities in Dead E