Principle for Entering into the Rest of God

 *Principles for Entering into the Rest of God* 

(Hebrews 4:9-11) _"There remaineth therefore a rest for the People of God"._ 

After the Fall of man, a Consequence came from this action, which we are aware that Man was sent out of the Garden of Eden and what He could do with Ease now became a Struggle become He had to toil from the Ground to get the produce of his harvest which comes to him easily before and since this, the Human Race has been in a State of Unrest and labour and this has been passed down from generation to generation we see people labouring effortlessly to produce result, but once we come to a Reconciliation and Fellowship with God and step out of Sin and we become Identified with God, a Significant benefit of this Relationship is that of *REST* (where the Curse of labouring and toiling to get Result is averted from us, and we can have access into that which is our Inheritance from the beginning), but even with this Knowledge it is possible for a man to be released from His State of Unrest and toiling and still be an Hindrance to his own liberation. You might ask How? We saw the Apostle Paul admonishing the Hebrews that we should take heed lest we also fall Victim of Coming into God's Rest, like the Generation ahead of us who had the Opportunity to enter this rest, but because of their Unbelief they could not Partake of this Great Inheritance.

 *You might have been experiencing a State of discomfort or Unrest in one area of Life or another, but I want to you to Understand that now that you are of the Family of Faith, the Curse of Unfruitfulness and Labour has been broken, but it doesn't just stop there there is action required from you to enter into your Inheritance and that is a Reorientation of your Mindset from thinking you can sort it out yourself, God requires a Complete Surrender of your all to Him, a Surrender from your Effort and to throw yourself into His Arm without doubting where He is going to lead you or if He can carry you on to your Destination safely. The Moment you can't find yourself to trust in the Arm of God, you will close the door to the Rest that has been Prepared for you.* 

 _My Prayer is that anything that will Hinder you from Completing Surrending to God to carry you through Life and shifting focus from your ability He will shred you from it. May you receive Grace to belief and trust God even in the Unknown to be able to step into your Rest in Jesus._ 

Stay Blessed.

 *©[The Olufunke Platform]*


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