
Showing posts from August, 2023


  RETAINING THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD IN YOU 🎯Believing that God exist and He is God is not enough, you must know Him and Knowing Him is not just about His existence, but a deep Understanding of His Ability, His Capacity, His Sovereignty, His Faithfulness, His Reward System, His mechanism in dealing with men is required, because these are were your Persuasion will come from that [He who has begun a Good work in your Life will perfect it to the End, or that all you have kept with Him, He is able to sustain them or that the Boisterous Wind against you have no capacity to prevail against the WILL OF GOD in your Life]. What Causes a Man to drift out from the Path of Following God is that He/She has not prepared the reservoir of His/Persuasion for the dark days, Your Faith and Stamina to stand even when Supply is not available from Heaven to you not because God has abandoned you and His Angry with you, but because you are in a Wilderness Season with the aim of achieving something in your life,

Making our Spirit Alive unto God

 *Making our Spirit Alive unto God.*  🎯One of the devices of the devil we shouldn't be ignorant of is that He Steals from us something precious that is of great value, he doesn't go for the least or the less important, he attacks the Jagular. In our Making as Humans, God partitioned our Composition into 3 Parts *(Spirit, Soul & Body),* of these 3 the Spirit is the most important, in it makes for our Fulfillment and Success in Life, then the devil went for it because he knew it was what can make you become and be who God has Preordained in His plan for you. He attacked the Spirit of man which was Alive and Active to God and Killed it. Imagine being living but actually not living in the real sense, because anything that separates us from God where real life flows has definitely handicapped us. Men began to run their Life only on the Pedestral of the Soul and Body. There is no Life from the Soul neither is their Life from the Body, life is meant to come from the Spirit which