Making our Spirit Alive unto God

 *Making our Spirit Alive unto God.* 

🎯One of the devices of the devil we shouldn't be ignorant of is that He Steals from us something precious that is of great value, he doesn't go for the least or the less important, he attacks the Jagular. In our Making as Humans, God partitioned our Composition into 3 Parts *(Spirit, Soul & Body),* of these 3 the Spirit is the most important, in it makes for our Fulfillment and Success in Life, then the devil went for it because he knew it was what can make you become and be who God has Preordained in His plan for you. He attacked the Spirit of man which was Alive and Active to God and Killed it. Imagine being living but actually not living in the real sense, because anything that separates us from God where real life flows has definitely handicapped us. Men began to run their Life only on the Pedestral of the Soul and Body. There is no Life from the Soul neither is their Life from the Body, life is meant to come from the Spirit which in turn flows to the Soul and keeps the Body in order and balance, but when Life is absent, the Soul begins to struggle for Life to Survive so that the Body could also survive and the Life which the Soul tapped is from its surrounding environments, and as we know the world we are in is polluted therefore the flow of Life have no advantage to our Fulfillment and Stability in Life.

📍Without our Spirit being Alive, there is no way we can Know God, access His Realm and get information about who we are and how to go about our life here on earth to become Fulfilled and Successfully as Ordained by God. Infact a Man will miss what God has for him/her and will Walk opposite the Direction of God's plan. To resolve this Great dysfunction God sent His only begotten Son to the World to restore the dysfunction the devil has caused of which the deadness of our Spirit is one of it, and that whosoever receive Him receive an Activation of their dead Spirit and have access to the Life of God which brings Completeness to our Life. 

 *Has Everyone Spirit which was once dead be made Alive?* Not all, Only those who have received Christ into their Life will have their Spirit regenerated and be brought back to Life and be guided on how to access God's realm to become who God has destined you to be.

 *Our Main Point today is making our Spirit alive unto God!* God has made our Spirit which was once dead alive through Christ, because by the Spirit which raise Christ from the dead if it enters our mortal body, it quickens it and brings our Spirit back to live, but just like Scripture says, _"Work out your own Salvation with fear and tremble",_ our Salvation Journey and Faith Journey is a Progressive one, that is why we shouldn't be trapped in the mentality of we are in the Era of Grace, and Grace has solved it all, if you embrace this mentality you will find it difficult to Guard your Heart diligently as Scripture advises, so that the devourer will not devour your Life. As our Spirit  has been activated and brought back to Life. It is our Responsibility to also keep our Spirit Alive to God, so that it doesn't fall into a State where it will be attacked, because the devil has not desist in attacking the Spirit of man and killing it, so that the Spirit does not become dead again, there are many who even having received the Life of Christ and the Baptism of His Spirit at New Birth are their Spirit dead, inactive or is operating on a dwarf Level due to negligence and laziness to what makes for Fulfillment in Destiny. 

📌One of the Discipline that should be a part of our Life is to *KEEP OUR SPIRIT ALIVE TO GOD* ,  as we keep our Spirit Alive unto God, Life continuously flow into every part of our being and not only that it keeps on the Path of Understanding God's intent for us on a daily period and be exempted from the destruction of the age against Man, their Assignment and Destiny.

 *How then Do we keep our Spirit Alive unto God?* 

  Our Spirit is made active and Alive through Spiritual Exercises _(Praying, Fasting, Studying of the Word, Meditating, Retreat Living and Walking in the Spirit),_ don't neglect spiritual exercises make it a part of your activity, running your life without inculcating spiritual exercises into it, will be like living without oxygen and the effect is with time such will fall into a State of Slump or delusion, and when a Man's Spirit or Spiritual Life is affected, he/she other part of Life will be affected. To keep our Spirit Alive unto God prevent us from the destruction of the ages and to stay Fulfilled in Life.

Stay Blessed.

©[The Olufunke Platform]


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