New Year Message


Welcome to the Year 2022.

I hope we remember that as we rejoice, and give Glory to God for Witness the New Year, It is a Path we have never walked in before but do not be scared about what could be the Outcome of the Year, If God is your Fortress, He will Guide your Steps through the Year and make it a Smooth Ride with lots of Achievement, but my [Major Point here today is to Highlight some notable points of the same Tribe that will make 2022 work in your Favour and Obey you and all that is yours].

1. What is Going Ahead of you into the New Year, what are the Obstacles, Mountains, Hills and Stronghold of 2022 going to see as a Staff before you, and they will know you came Prepared into the New Year, and you did not come Ordinary......(Psalm 119:105) "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path". No Great thing can be compared to being your Staff and Rod this Year than the (Word of God). It brings with it the Power, Presence and Authority of God into your life.

2. Have you really entered the New Year? (this might surprise you but the Truth is no one has really entered the year unless He/She gain Access to His/Her Blessing and Possession of the Year to start recording Notable Achievement and Result.

Don't Journey through 2022 in an Ordinary way, be equipped for the year. It is important to know that the YEAR HAS GATE. Majority are at the entrance of the Gate, thinking they have entered the year, but until the Gate is Opened you can't have access into all God has for you in the year, and this causes lack of Result & Achievement. The Gate of each Year opens up when they Encounter the WORD OF GOD. So how will you make the (Gate of the Year), grant you Access, It is by Putting the WORD OF GOD TO ACTION THROUGH DECLARING IT AND OBEYING THE WRITTEN WORD.

And as you Abide by diligently by God's Principle, you will not find it difficult to live a Prosperous life this Year (Joshua 1:8).

Stay Blessed.

{Olufunke Writes Series}.


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