The Multiplying Effect in a Man's Life (1)


*The Multiplying Effect in a Man's Life.(1)* 

🎯When we look vividly at the word God brought to us today, we would see that it is not one to Ignore, because God approached this with a Continuous Statement (that is because as God's Creature we are on a Journey of unleashing and reproduction). No man on Earth will ever want to be in a State of penury(the inability to be more, to increase and to pull out every layer of greatness that the Lord has put in the inside of you).

📍One of the Reasons why this Subject is important is that *our Dominion has God's Children and Creature is tied to God's Order for our Existence on Earth, you will never be able to Dominate and take your rightful place here on earth, If as a person you are not Fruitful, Multiplying, and Replenishing here on Earth* (Gen 1:28), majority of us so thinks that after God created us and gave us the Order to be Fruitful, to Multiply and to Replenish is just about Giving Birth to Children, who dominate and take authority by just giving birth to babies, Children are God's gift from God to us and we bless God for their lives and may He continue to give us Wisdom to train and nurture them into what they ought to be, but please will you stand to your Place in the Transformation of the Earth by Fulfilling your First Purpose as God's seed and replica to Be Fruitful, Multiply and Replenish the Earth God has placed you in. *I hope we are aware that being Fruitful is not just the ability and potential to give birth to kids, but a State of continuous overflow of a life that brings meaningful contribution to those around them, and this is not as easy as we think because Jesus made us to understand that no one can be a source of blessing to others or bring significant to the life of others(Fruitfulness)* outside of Him(John 15:1-4), you cannot achieve Fruitfulness on your own it is a Partnership work with Jesus. 

📌Don't be too surprised that I introduced the word Multiplying and diverted to Fruitfulness, this is because they are intertwined you cannot leave any of this 3 out *(Fruitfulness, Multiply and Replenish)* if we really want to dominate, to be Fruitful without Multiplying and Replenishing the Earth gives your dominion an unfulfilled assignment. 

 *📍Can we dive into the aspect of What is expected to Multiply in us?* God will be very unhappy with us if we are not fruitful, and we see Jesus displaying this when He came to the Fig tree and found no fruits from it(Matthew 21:18-22), God excepts fruits from us and we should never disappoint Him by being a barren creature, in each and every one of us are Great seeds and potential God planted in us that He expects to bud out at the right time in form of useful Fruits and not that same seed again. As God's Creature you are also expected to Multiply (i.e Increase), *there are various Potential and Seed in you for different purpose. God place some of them to in turn become Fruits, while some are meant to Increase in Size, Quality and Quantity and as this takes place it in turn bring a vital change to the world we are.* But you may wonder what has God placed in the inside of me that He expects to Multiply (Increase in Size, Quality and Quantity). By God's revelation I will be unveiling the following that God expects to Increase in us *[Character, Dreams, Desires, Mindset and Will]*, if you ever see the above listed in their raw state without being refined they are very unattractive and poor. _A Man with an unrefined character will mess up anywhere and be a nuisance to the world, when you see a person with an unruly desire you will really see the Flesh at work such is the case of the others._ 

📌 *No one came to this world with a Godly & Refined Character or a Godly Desire and a Positive Mindset or a Will that aligns to that of His maker we Grow into all of this and they Multiply into something worthy by the Rhythm of an Effect in our life and I call this(The Multiplying Effect).* 

Alright on our Next Series, God will be Opening us into the Revelation of this Effect that beautifies a man's life and bring him in contact with a Rapid Growth. Don't miss that time with God, may the Lord continue to shine His Light on us till we conform to the image of Christ.

Thank you for reading and stay Blessed.

 _✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 Olufunke Writes Series_

 *©[The Olufunke Platform]*


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