What do I do when I Encounter a Dead End?


*What do I do when I come to a Dead End?* 

🎯Do you know that there are Situations and Circumstances we come across in life, that leaves us Clueless about what next to do or what decision to take, because the Fear of the present cannot distabilizes us from driving any meaningful conclusion to what is currently before us. 

πŸ“As much as God is interested in how Spiritual Growth and we'll being and also Valuing and Referencing His Significance in our life, He has not leave us to figure out life alone or face the puzzle of life all by ourself. He wants you and I to know that the Greatest Benefit we can enjoy from having God has our Fortress and Commiting our lives wholeheartedly to Him is that He is able to give us a Clear way around coming out of situation of life that in the Logical sense seems very unrealistic. 

πŸ“ŒDo you know that, that you are Serving God and you Believe in Him is not an Automatic ticket to provide a Solution for you when you are face with a situation beyond Human Capability and Effort. It takes more than just saying I am a Child of God and I know that God will save me. Definitely God will not leave nor forsake us when we are face with trouble *(Deut 31:6, Psalm 94:14)*, but there are things we need to do on our part that will move the Promised word of God to action. Majority of us believe that since we pray daily, we go to church, we serve Him that is enough reason for God to show up. 

πŸ”Š  God will Only show up when you call on Him in that unseemingly possible situations. Why? Because He needs to know that you trust Him (because it might be possible that the first possible you remember could save you are your parents, spouse or friends), *but the moment you call upon God it shows that the Number 1 deliverer you believe is God and He will heed you, while you call upon God you must also believe that regardless of how bad the Situation might be, God has a Strategy to kill that pain or calm that storm(If you are still doubting if your praying or running to God can yield any positive outcome),* then I tell you, you are not ready to get a Solution to what you can't handle. And then there is this unusual thing you should do when all road seems block and all possible method is not working and that is to *PRAISE GOD AND REMIND HIM OF WHO HE IS, HOW HE CAME THROUGH FOR OTHERS IN THEIR CHALLENGES AND WHAT HIS WORD SAYS ABOUT HOW HE WILL HELP US WHEN WE ARE HELPLESS,* I tell you this is enough to pull down any Mountain before you, and make any way that seems close give way to allow you have your fresh breathe.

πŸ“Œ Just a Reminder, that Life will bring along situations we never ever envisage or give thought of,but rather than wallow in depression or coil into surrending and giving in to our adversary (the devil) who is looking for a way to pull us down or excavate us, we can put God to work by putting all the Strategy & Methods God has given us above. Bible says in *(Proverbs 24:10) "If thou faint in the day of adversity, Thy strength is small".*  All that we need to do to move out of a Dead End of life or overcome it will only be possible and easy if we are building Spiritual Capacity now for the stormy day just as we are advised to save for the rain days. You will not be able to use those tools effectively If you only Pray and Call on God when there is trouble, and when you pay less attention to the Word of God to study your Faith will never be active, because it is the Word of God that builds your Faith. *Don't just Know God and Fellowship with Him as someone you can use to get by when you are in trouble, Stay with God as all that matters in Life, and you will see how Mountains automatically pull down before you when Life brings situations you can't bear or handle.* 

I hope God as bless you with this word, connect with us by sending a mail to olufunkesadiq@gmail.com or Visit or Site [https://olufunkeplatform.blogspot.com].

Stay Blessed.

 _✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 Olufunke Writes Series_ 

 *©[The Olufunke Platform]*


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