Speak to that Mountain

 Speak to that Mountain

🎯Mountain in the Natural perspective is an High Eruption of a part of the earth surface, that occurs as a result of heated pressure on the earth surface, and this eruption when forms becomes so difficult to demolish, it's process of formation is not as difficult as that of demolishing it, and to know also that the path a Mountain takes its shoot and settle becomes so inaccessible and difficult to thread. Just like a Mountain was described in the light of a Natural perspective, spiritually also we have Mountains which cannot be seen with the natural eyes, but a Spiritual and Open eyes, this Mountains which we cannot see with just the ordinary eyes are certain conditions in a man's life that becomes so difficult to defeat and pull down just like a Natural mountain cannot easily be removed except through a Stronger and more defensive force.

📌But the Strategy to pull down a Mountain of which we see around us in rocky environment or on an High Plain is very different from that which is used to pull down certain challenges and forces against us that has been termed (a mountain), looking through the Scripture we will see occasions of mountains that people have encountered _["Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it"]_ .(Zechariah 4:7).

       We can see that this Mountain that the Angel of the Lord describe poses a great discomfort to Zerubbael and also hinders his progress. A Mountain in a person's life can cause a full stop to such a person's journey if not resilient on seeing it crushed. When you are also at peace with certain conditions that ought not to linger too much in your life, they could hinder the promotion to the next level or breakthrough (Deuteronomy 1:6).

📌 Except for Tourist purpose, a mountain in the physical world is not so much healthy to accommodate in a location most especially one inhabits by people, because it prevents Ventilation and Easy Movement, when it is said for a person to be faced with a Mountain Spiritually, it is not one to take lightly or accommodate because it is not just an ordinary mountain, (but challenges very obstinate and controlling), no one faced with a Challenge or issue representing a Mountain will even want it's stay to be prolonged because it takes such person discomfort or don't give way easily, unless when resilient with such mountain.

 *📍How then do the Mountains in our life, turn ordinary plains and become demolished?* A mountain in the Physical world is demolished with the use of very strong chiseling tools or probably a Bull dozer, but the Mountains we are discussing are not Physical but are given a representation of a mountain as a result of the toughness of that Challenge. But most times the way we intend to pull down our mountains only give the challenges more strength and space to operate because we keep negotiating with them(by complaining, being moody or Naive over such conditions even in the Place of Prayer where we know we can be Strengthened to deal with such mountain. A Mountain (Difficult Challenges) will not give way by negotiating with it, but by Speaking to it, and what Words do you speak to this mountain that makes it give way remembering that when it is said that you are negotiating you were also speaking and not dramatizing.

🎯To make a Mountain (Challenge or Difficult problem), give way is to have your Faith in Strong Action as you Speak to the Mountain, and you Declare and Pray Authoritatively over such mountain. Jesus speaking to His disciples in the book (Mark 11:23) *"For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart"*. To demolish the Mountain before you, you need to Speak in Faith believing that your words are not just ordinary words but as they go forth they have the Signature of God on them and the result will be effective, because a Word with God's backup will never be inactive, it goes out to so much power to perform.

 *You don't Question or Negotiate with that Mountain regardless of it's genuine reason for it's stay in your life, Speak to it with your Faith in Action because your life is not a Good place it should abode.* 

🙏🙏🙏 Henceforth as we Speak our Words carry Authority and unbelief as no place to stay in us.

Thanks for reading, and Stay Blessed.

 _✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 Olufunke Writes Series_ 

 *©[The Olufunke Platform]*


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