Walking in the Reality of the Unseen.

 Walking in the Reality of the Unseen. 

 "For more are the Children of the Desolate than the Children of the married woman"(Isaiah 54:1b).

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป When we get a word from God just like it was presented in the above Scripture, we in the real Sense find it difficult to embrace or accommodate, because you can't image how the Lord will say you have enough and in a better space of Advantage over that which you have been worrying about, Seeking the Face of God for, or waiting for its Manifestation in our life, but I want us to know that God does not need the Analysis of our Calculation before we can understand that truly we are in Abundance of that which we cannot see Physically with our Eyes, because the Natural things cannot answer to the mysterious ways of God divine proceedings in our life, for If He says a thing, He will Surely bring it to Pass.

   That which we await it's Manifestation in our life will not come to Play until we have been able to Grow in rejoicing only that which our Eyes can see. Less we forget that the Bible advices us Not to Walk according to the Flesh, but according to the Spirit (Romans 8:5). One of the ways to Walk in accuracy with the Spirit is to capture the Thoughts and Promises of God for our life, and begin to walk in the reality thereof, before we even see it with our bares Eyes. Your ability to live and embrace in what your Spirit has captured that God has Settled, makes it Quicker for the Manifestation in the Physical. 

๐Ÿ“God gave you a Prophetic Word, a Vision, an Inspired Word from the Scripture, that He has settled that which you are being sorrowful about, What then do you do thereafter, you still go about thinking "It was just an Ordinary word or a mere dream", _No_, but it is the Commencement a Phase which will facilitate the Reality of that which you are in need for. 

   At this Phase where the Lord given you a Ray of Light into His Realms,by breathing into your Spirit (Job 32:8), *you engage the Atmosphere of Constant Thanksgiving and an Activation of a Mood of Joy, according to the Prophetic Instruction preceding the Promise of God as seen in Isaiah 54:1a,* to pull your awaiting blessing from the Realm of the Supernatural into your Physical Reality.

 *๐ŸŽฏMany Blessings, Prophecies and desires are hanging in between the Realm of God, and that of we Human because we have failed to Walk and Operate with the Spiritual Principles that makes possible for the Manifestation of those things which we desire to experience in our life.* 

๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Shall we Pray, Lord help me not to be small minded in accepting your Word & Promise over that which my Eyes have not seen yet but has entered into my Spirit through the Revelation of God's word.

Thank you for Reading, hope it blessed you. Stay Blessed.

 ✍๐Ÿป✍๐Ÿป✍๐Ÿป Olufunke Writes Series

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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