
Showing posts from March, 2022

Guarding Against Loosing the Weapon of Our Warfare.

  Guarding against, loosing any of Our Weapon of Warfare.  (Ephesians 6:10-13) _"Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will go be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser!  Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious"._ 🎯 Life is too Spiritual not to have the *"Armor of God"* on,  as a Child of God. On Whose side are you? If you are on the Lord side, then you will see to it that you make sure put on your armor, because you are Child of God and you belong to the Lordship of Christ, and you have made him the Master over your life, that alone

Leveraging the Advantage of the HolySpirit in all Areas of our life

  *Leveraging the Advantage of the HolySpirit in all Areas of Life.* What differentiates us as Believers, from those who live according to the Standards and Patterns of the World is the HolySpirit in us. Yes the Spirit that has made us to Experience a more Excellent life than that which we were formally living (Romans 8:1). The book of Romans 8 especially,  gave us the Principle of how we can allow His Operation in our life and also His Benefit, when we decide to not only accept Christ, but also upgrade to Walk in the Realm of whom Christ as sent to make the Journey of our Christian life much easier (John 14:21), there is no way we can benefit so much from the Ministry of the HolySpirit, if we are still locked up in the Physical Realm, as we receive we have to also make it an Obligation to journey with the HolySpirit, that is we become matured in the New Life, and have well balanced life. Those who only accept Christ as their Lord and Savior without surrending to the Ministry of the Ho

The Mystery behind being all that God has destined us to Become in Life.

  *The Mystery behind being all that God has destined us to Become  Life.* 📍 *The Peak of Fulfillment in Life is not only to live life, but to Fufill all that is in the Plan of God for our life. A man that is able to Fufill God's Plan for his life is one who has Fufill his or her Dominion Mandate, engulfed in God's Plan for our life is our potential to Reign and Dominate right here on Earth,* but God's Plan is not as easy to Fufill as we think, even when you have come under the Umbrella of God and committed to Walk in His Ways and Statues, the enemy of our Destiny and God's Children is to divert children of God from God's Plan for their life, and leave the empty and naked. (I Pray that will not be our Portion in Jesus Name). 🎯Fufilling God's Plan is not just by wishing that all that is intricated in the plan will appear in our life, but the Parameter to experience all that the Lord has planned for us is to *Submit to the Will of God for our life by putting God