Leveraging the Advantage of the HolySpirit in all Areas of our life


*Leveraging the Advantage of the HolySpirit in all Areas of Life.*

What differentiates us as Believers, from those who live according to the Standards and Patterns of the World is the HolySpirit in us. Yes the Spirit that has made us to Experience a more Excellent life than that which we were formally living (Romans 8:1). The book of Romans 8 especially,  gave us the Principle of how we can allow His Operation in our life and also His Benefit, when we decide to not only accept Christ, but also upgrade to Walk in the Realm of whom Christ as sent to make the Journey of our Christian life much easier (John 14:21), there is no way we can benefit so much from the Ministry of the HolySpirit, if we are still locked up in the Physical Realm, as we receive we have to also make it an Obligation to journey with the HolySpirit, that is we become matured in the New Life, and have well balanced life. Those who only accept Christ as their Lord and Savior without surrending to the Ministry of the HolySpirit, and commit to walk in His Realm, will continually remain babies just Apostle Paul said in the Boom of Hebrews.   , and they will also continually fall into the life they presently were living. As we know the Power that the HolySpirit brings into our life, the moment we welcome Him helps us to stand right with God, and able to according to the Will and Commands of the Lord (Romans 7:23-25, Romans *Leveraging the Advantage of the HolySpirit in all Areas of Life.*

What differentiates us as Believers, from those who live according to the Standards and Patterns of the World is the HolySpirit in us. Yes the Spirit that has made us to Experience a more Excellent life than that which we were formally living (Romans 8:1). The book of Romans 8 especially,  gave us the Principle of how we can allow His Operation in our life and also His Benefit, when we decide to not only accept Christ, but also upgrade to Walk in the Realm of whom Christ as sent to make the Journey of our Christian life much easier (John 14:21), there is no way we can benefit so much from the Ministry of the HolySpirit, if we are still locked up in the Physical Realm, as we receive we have to also make it an Obligation to journey with the HolySpirit, that is we become matured in the New Life, and have well balanced life. Those who only accept Christ as their Lord and Savior without surrending to the Ministry of the HolySpirit, and commit to walk in His Realm, will continually remain babies just Apostle Paul said in the Boom of Hebrews.   , and they will also continually fall into the life they presently were living. As we know the Power that the HolySpirit brings into our life, the moment we welcome Him helps us to stand right with God, and able to according to the Will and Commands of the Lord (Romans 7:23-25, Romans 8:3).

We are not ignorant of the Spiritual outcome of a man that has surrendered to allow the HolySpirit take the Leadership of his or her life, (of course they become vibrant, speak with new tongues, alert in their spiritual senses), but do you know that the HolySpirit is not only limited to your Spiritual life alone or the 4 corners of the church, that is what happens when we don't allow Him in certain areas of our life. There is a certain Scripture that says *"Above all I wish you Prosper and be in Good health, as your Soul prospers" (1John 3:2)*, that can only be possible when the HolySpirit is at work in our life, because He doesn't just only come to bring a beautiful experience to our Spirit, but also Refurbishes our Soul, because the soul of a man outside Christ is seriously ruined, and He also guides us and teaches us on how to be Prosperous here on Earth, and make Good Success, even as He helps us in our Heavenly Race, and Relationship with God. Excellence in life is the ability to be apt and solid in what we do or how we do things, when you see a man that exudes excellence, it is a fragrance you can resist. We see Daniel in the book of Daniel, what differentiates him colleagues and contemporaries was the Spirit of Excellence, there is a Spirit behind Excellence, even though then the HolySpirit had not been in Operation like our days, the Spirit of God was at work in men, which is also the same Spirit we enjoy, just that only a selected few have this advantage. 

🎯What then is the point of today's message, It is commonly said that when a person Walk by Spirit, and not by the Flesh (Galatians 5:16), there should be a huge difference in his Lifestyle and Attitude to life. Even though the HolySpirit has been given to us at New birth, for His Operation to be more expanded in our life, we must stay with the Word of God, and Meditate on that Word, anyone that fails to take the Word has the companion and manual, will keep falling back into  their past life and continue to rededicate their life any time the Altar Call is made, but as we stay true to the Word, our Spirit man grows and also the HolySpirit have enough room to Operate and Manifest in our life, but because we know that when the HolySpirit comes He endows us with Power, Ability to Speak in New Tongues, helps us to Pray and also gives us access to the Revelations of God, we fast and pray to see this manifestations in our life, but that is the not what Christ had for us alone, when He sent us the Helper, but also to bring Sanity and Elevation into all areas of our life. If the only thing to show for is to Kabash in Tongues, Call down fire, tell people different Visions, and we still carry in us unruly attitudes and characters, and also being inefficient in our work, planning skills, an unbaked husband/wife, then how do we want to convince the unbelievers that we are different from them and more superior than them, they will only think the tongues and visions are just religious and spiritual gymnastics that comes with being a Church man or woman. No the HolySpirit is our Greatest Advantage as Believers, He is here to Elevate the Quality of our life and makes us better in all areas of Life. 

This can only be achieved when we allow Him take the Leadership of every aspect of our life, and not only our Spiritual Life, when you begin think the HolySpirit cannot bring solution to your work, business or marriage but only your Spiritual life, and you take decisions into your hands, without seeking His direction, you will be leaving below what God has called you to be, because the HolySpirit is the one that upgrade into where God originally places us, the world system has really ruin and affected us, and therefore make us a shadow of ourself .

 Learn to Walk every day of your life and live in the Spirit, and not just only tune into His Realm, when you need a direction from God or seeking something from God, so that you can fully harness the Ministry of the HolySpirit fully and His Advantage in our life.

May God help us and Keep Strengthening us.

Stay Blessed.

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