The Mystery behind being all that God has destined us to Become in Life.


*The Mystery behind being all that God has destined us to Become  Life.*

📍 *The Peak of Fulfillment in Life is not only to live life, but to Fufill all that is in the Plan of God for our life. A man that is able to Fufill God's Plan for his life is one who has Fufill his or her Dominion Mandate, engulfed in God's Plan for our life is our potential to Reign and Dominate right here on Earth,* but God's Plan is not as easy to Fufill as we think, even when you have come under the Umbrella of God and committed to Walk in His Ways and Statues, the enemy of our Destiny and God's Children is to divert children of God from God's Plan for their life, and leave the empty and naked. (I Pray that will not be our Portion in Jesus Name).

🎯Fufilling God's Plan is not just by wishing that all that is intricated in the plan will appear in our life, but the Parameter to experience all that the Lord has planned for us is to *Submit to the Will of God for our life by putting God decision over a matter above that of ours in all areas of Life.* 

📌Jesus is not suppose to come to the Earth and dwell amidst us (John 1:14), because His Place is above and with the Father, coming to earth was for a Specific Purpose and to achieve an Assignment which was God's Plan in redeeming all people to Himself through the Gift of Salvation, and that was really the Plan God had for Christ here on Earth. In Fufilling that plan He had to put the *Will* of the Father above his own Will, there were times it wasn't convenient but for the Father to be Glorified, and the Kingdom of darkness to be utterly conquered, He had to do the Will of the Father.

     *Jesus could have reacted when the devil asked him to turn bread to stone, or try to defend himself when they came to arrest him and crucify or use His power to step down from that cross but would He have been the King of Kings, the Saviour and Messiah, the one through whom all comes to God.* He could as well be carried away by the Praises here on Earth, and at times take decisions into his hands, but the Word of the Lord made us to understand that in (John 5:19), _"Christ speaking that He does nothing of himself, but only what the Father does"_.  

📍 *You are also not here for yourself, while will you take decisions into your life, while we you feel the Lord's Will and decision over your life is burdensome and is archaic. Check inward, what are those things that are contending with God's Will for you so that His Plan for your life can really manifest, nail them to the Cross today and die of Self so that your will also die and you will have the Capacity to do the Will of God and Graciously live out His Plan for your life.*

 _© [The Olufunke Platform]_


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