A Short Charge

*We saw him with our very own eyes.We gazed upon him and heard him speak.Our hands actually touched him, the one who was from the beginning, the Living Expression of God.This Life-Giver was made visible and we have seen him. We testify to this truth, the eternal Life-Giver lived face-to-face with the Father and has now dawned upon us* (1 John 1:3).

 Jesus still lives, He is the Living Word. ๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸปAre you also gazing upon Him? Have you seen Him? Have you heard an experience with Him by touching Him? Has He dawned upon you?

 [There is something with getting yourself familiar with the Acts & Testimonies of Jesus].* 

• It builds our faith 

•It is also the soil through which the HolySpirit works upon to achieve the purpose of God for you in a Season.

•It enlarges the Life in us & Expound Light into it to accommodate the Presence of God.

• The Life of Christ rubs off on you, and it is therefore not you that lives but Christ dwelling in you.

  You will do yourself a great disfavor when you only think studying the scripture is for you to Fufill some religious purpose. No, it gives us the opportunity to receive of the Fullness of the Life of Christ.

 Blessed Morning.


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