


πŸ‘†πŸ»A little Charge.

What is your Perception of God's Grace that is made available to us in this dispensation? For we know that Christ suffering, death & resurrection ushers in the subject of Grace into the picture of our Relationship with God, unlike in times past man did not have so much avenue to access God and also go scot-free after disregarding the Personality of God and His Order.... But the issue now is that majority of us has misinterpreted and abuse the Grace of God made available to us. The Grace of God is not an avenue for us to go ahead and chew more than we can bite or become so disorganized in our way of living. Regardless of how much God loves us and has given us the opportunity to access Him without limit and much gifts is made available to us, God will not condole any act of immortality or disrespect to the Principle and Order He has given to us. *(In the book of Romans 1:18-25),* God showed how much of how he was displeased with the act that set of people described acted, the verse they knew God as God and have enough knowledge about Him that could not be an excuse of ignorant but still they do not regard Him as God, and change the incorruptible image of God into corruptible things, even when they know the consequences of this thing they went ahead doing, not because they were under spell or possessed but because there is something they have taken for granted thinking it is always available and when they are ready to go back to God, they can try appealing to Him based on that ground but the scripture says God did not try resisting them in the extent they were heading and totally restrain Himself from them and even at their appeal.

🎯 Do you also think because Christ has paid it all on Calvary it is an opportunity for you to live your life any how and still come back to seek for God's Mercy or you have attracted God with your service to Him or your seed that you think He will entertain disregard to His order based on that. (No), God will not condole such act, He is firm on the basis that we should be Righteous as His Creature, and the Picture of Grace is to help us achieve this which in our natural ability we can't. Don't let the devil manipulate you in thinking the Grace of God is a liberty to live your life any how and contrary to God's Order when God's Intention in bringing it into the picture is to give us the ability to stand Right with God.

 Stay Blessed and may the Lord enable us to take highly God's Order and Obey so that we will be able to stand Right with Him.

 πŸ“Œ[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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