Confession of an Enriched Mind

Confession for an Enriched Mind. 

 _We most times neglect the State of our Mind and it's Health, and put much focus on other things, and neither do we know that every information that flys around both those we see through our eyes or hear through our ears or whichever it's destination is in the Mind, if it was just to sit their wouldn't it have been better, but it develops into thoughts and this could have a Positive or Negative effect on our life depending on the type of Information that comes into it, but we can take authority over the effects of this thought before they develop.... And this is exactly what we will do today, putting our Mind to Sanity regardless of the information incubated in this atmosphere, and we will do this by Confession the Scripture into our life which is the Final Authority and brings every unhealthy thought into Subjection._ 

• I think on that which is Pure, Honest, truth and of Good Report, I give no room for thought of fear or carnality that can erode my peace and make me less of attaining the Height God has Prepared for me.

• My mind captures only possibilities in all Situations, I give no room for doubt or insecurity inorder to access all God has in stock.

• My mindset will not be an Hindrance from entering into my Promise land, I break free from every mentality that does not embraces Growth.

• My mind is reconfigured to the thoughts and patterns of Christ. I think on those things which are above and not things which are beneath.

• I Embrace Positive thoughts and open the Gates of my heart to only Edifying and Elevating Contents.

• By my thoughts, my life springs out good and exemplifying Habits.

• I have a Mind full of riches and abundance that sees no lack, but every way to work towards how what is reserved for me will gravitates towards me.

• I bring to Subjection every high thoughts and imagination that exalts against the Knowledge of God in my life.

[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries].

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