The thoughts of God for you is Known through Union with His Spirit


*Do you know God's Specific Thought for you?* 

 (Jeremiah 29:11) _"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end"._ 

To enter into God's Best for our life, we need to know God's thought and Proposition concerning every area of our life, this will help us between choosing Life or death, the Bible says that my People Perish because they lack understanding, when a man is ignorant over a particular issue, He/She supposedly flows with the Norms, but it takes an Awareness of what lies ahead and what is in stock for a man to constrain Himself/Herself in laying hold of the Goodness that awaits such.

 *I then Put it to you, Do you Know God's thought for your life?* 


You outrightly might say His thought for me is Peace and a Good Ending, but there are Subsets to this Generalized thought, and just like (1 Corinthians 2:11) made us to Understand *"Who can know the thoughts of God, except the Spirit of God"* , and God has  given us His Spirit, that we might know the things that are freely given to us by God.

Until you come into Union with God, you will deprive yourself of the many Privileges that has been reserved for you. Father Abraham was doing fine in "Ur", not knowing that He was living below what He was Created for, not until He entered a Walk and Covenant Relationship with God did He come to realize that He has been destined to be the Father of Many Nations, and this also gave him the Opportunity to enter into this Great Destiny.

🎯 I put it to you that your *Walk with God as you step into a New Phase in the ladder of 2022, should be flamed*, because the Fire on the Altar is what brings Newness into our life daily 

Stay Blessed.

©[The Olufunke Platform].


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