Attitude to Receiving Divine Blessing


*Attitude to Receiving Divine Blessing.*

๐ŸŽฏDo you still remember while you were much younger than this, and you couldn't get something's yourself because it was beyond capacity and you have to be dependent on your Father & Mother to get it for you. At times even before you tender your request or need, they definitely know what you need and will provide, this goes on until we attain a level of Maturity, where we become independent before our needs are met, but remember that while you daily look forward to those precious time when you receive a gift from your parents or guidance, there is a posture and attitude we imbibe so that we can joyfully receive that which we were promise or we requested for even if it is for that moment. At that time we would want to be in our best self and disposition. (We will never want to go against the Order of our Parents & Guidance, we will not be rude and mind our manners, and on a Personal level there are many things we would want to put in place not to miss out on what we except). 

๐Ÿ“ *What is the Essence of the above Illustration,* the book of (Matthew 7:11) clearly states that If our earthly father who do not carry the same Ability and Love Nature  has that of God can give us whatever we want, how much He(God) regardless of imperfections and frailty is unless willing to do us good. This Scripture emphasis the facts that just like at a certain time we depend on our Parents and Guardians, we are also Dependent on God *(but our dependency on God is not limited to a certain period or time), but we will have to continually depend on God for our needs. Lack of dependency on God exposes us to danger in the world we are in. A Total dependence shows how well we have Grown and Mature in the Spirit, because it shows our complete Submission to the Spirit.* 

๐Ÿ“ŒThe main point of this Discussion is not just to emphasis on just dependence on God, but our Attitude to Receiving from God. God is always willing to Release all that will that will make for our Sustainance in life even before we ask, He already knows all that we need. 

๐ŸŽฏOne major Reason as humans we miss out on what the Lord has reserved for us is our Attitude/Disposition to Receiving from God. God does not need us to run errands to secure favour in getting what we want, but if we do not pay attention to what God requires for us one may miss out on the expectant Blessing.

 *What then is the Attitude/Disposition we need to cultivate to receive Divine Blessing from above?*

✅ If a King/Elite/Noble or anyone desires to bless you with a Gift that will of Significant value to you, If he remembers how well you showed so much appreciation and honour, he will be motivated to do more, but a deserving mentality will put one in a state of inconsideration. *God always Values a Heart of Gratitude and Appreciation to every Blessing we receive from Him no matter how minute* they might be. What will quicken that which we desire from God is to always be grateful for the many things His Mercy has brought into our life, rather than complain about the things we don't have, when we are grateful for that which money did not buy that was given to us freely, the ones we don't have will be attended to and be filled till our barn us full.

✅ (James 1:6‭-‬7) _"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord"_. There is a Saying that if you will receive from God, what comes forth from your mouth must be in alignment with what is in your heart. A doubting heart will never receive anything from God no matter his/her action in the Place of Prayer. *Our Faith moves God to work and hasten the Manifestation of every Blessing we desire,* we could site many examples of this but we will pend this for now.

✅ Another Vital Attitude that enables us to Receive from God is an *Act of Obedience*, while we await the grant to our needs, there will always be Instructions (Personal or General), that we need to we to abide to, because disobedience to this Instructions will put one of the hamper of Favour that releases Blessing from God.

✅ Persistence in the Place of Prayer is also important in receiving every Divine Blessing, Jesus made an Illustration in the book of (Luke 18:1) of a woman who would not let a wicked Judge rest seeking for avenge over that which belongs to her but she was denied, even though the Judge seems heartless and less concerned on any issue, he could not resist the Widow Persistence, but majority of us when we come to the Place of Prayer we have not learnt to be patience and keep pressing till we receive our need but if we notice that it takes long we careless of what God is trying to teach and just run off to another means to solve our Problem.

๐Ÿ‘†๐ŸปWe could continue on and on, but let us Stop at this, If we cultivate and imbibe this Attitude as a Character Value we will definitely get the best of *Becoming a Man/Woman who has access to what belongs to us in Christ.* 

 May the Lord help us to walk in this Divine Principles in Jesus Name.

 Have a Fruitful & Blessed Month.

 ๐Ÿ“Œ[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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