Encountering the Truth that Sets you Free.


*Weekly Kingdom Teachings* _[The Writing Series]_

*Encountering the Truth that Sets you Free.* 

(John 8:32) *"If ye continue in my Word, then you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free".* 

📍One thing that bulges us as Human is that when we encounter any Situation either Positive or Negative, we never tend to know God's Perspective about such before we come to Conclusion about it, and this has disconnected us from every phases of what God is doing in our life to Glorify His Name.

🎯But this Bridge was cleared off when Christ came, He came as the Truth to every of the Situation man might come across here on Earth, this is because our Separation from the Supernatural Realm by the Gravity of Sin in man's life has cut off from the reality of every Situation and what it is meant to achieve in our life. God doesn't make mistake neither is he cut unaware about any Situation, everything that happens to us is orchestrated in His agenda to bring us into more Knowledge of the Ways of God and for the Glory of God's Name.

 📌Christ speaking to his disciples that the only way they could not walk in liberty here on Earth is to embrace the truth (John 8:32), without the Revelation of this truth, they will make situations of life define who they are, when in reality we are to use our Identity to counteract any Situation before us because " *Greater is He who lives in us, than He who lives in the world"* (1 John 4:4). For instance in the book of John 5:1-12.  Jesus met with a lame man at the pool of Bethesda for 38years, and asked him if he wished to be delivered from that situation, but the lame man gave excuses of why it is impossible for him to come out of that situation, but when the truth behind that situation presented himself which is (Jesus), and then the truth of that Situation was unveiled, If the lame man had not encountered the Truth of His Situation that day he would still be in web of bondage, when in reality that is not all to his Situation.

🎯Whatever unbefitting circumstances that we are also currently stuck in, don't be too quick to give up or  conclude that is the end to it, *there is a Truth behind every Situation we come across, but you cannot know the Truth of your Situation unless you have heard from God, while Jesus was departing He said He will not leave us without an Helper who will teach & guide us into all Truth* *(and that is the HolySpirit)* [John 14:6], we could see how important this Subject of Truth is, Truth is not just a thing, but a Person and that is Jesus Christ. Christ is always present in every of our Situation, if we will embrace Him and allow Him, the New Life is a doorway to liberty here in life.

📍 *Until you Know the Truth behind your Situation, the devil will keep making you think the mountain before you is unsurmountable.* 

 Stay Blessed.

 📌[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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