The Safest Place to Be is to Be in God


*Weekly Kingdom Teachings* _(The Writing Series)_.

  *The Safest Place to Be is to Be in God (Psalm 91).* 

๐Ÿ“In the Early hours of Sunday Morning, as the service began, the Lord began to speak to me, that the Best and Safest Place to be is to Be in God, (I said Okay sir, not knowing the incident that will Plague that same day), after the Sunday incident, the HolySpirit reminded me again, after I saw a Post where someone said, we don't know where is Safe, If they could invade the Church of God,  then I began to understand why the Lord brought this Word to me, and still strong in my Spirit, as the Word for this time.

๐ŸŽฏRegardless of what is going on, Solutions and Answers can never be attended to except in God (Oh yes, He is the one that brings calmness to disarray Situations and can put things in Order), but apart from the Situation in our Country, majority of us have got carried away with what is happening around, without paying attention to ourselves. *What is the State of our Mind and Spirit? This is because the Spirit of Fear is currently roaming in the atmosphere and it's bondage can make us loose Focus on who is able to truly able to deliver and Safe.* 

๐Ÿ“Œ *Where is your Refuge at this time?* Regardless of what is going on, He still remains God and He is our Present help in times of trouble and our Refuge, but His Word only covers those that are in Him (Psalm 91:1) _"He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide under the Shadow of the Most High",_ we are in the perilous times and we need to Check your Place  in God.

 *Are you still in God?* 

Don't wonder too much on what it is to be in God. As we Pray for Divine Protection, God's covering is sure for only those in God. _Being in God is very important._ 

๐Ÿ“ *What then does it mean to be in God?* _Is your life an Offering to Him? (Romans 12:1). Does it Honour Him?(Proverbs 3:9). Does it please Him? When we look at your life can we see the Handwriting & Signature of God in your life?._ 

๐ŸŽฏ *There are Structures that avails for this?* 

• Where is your Desire and Trust?

• Where is your Focus?

• What is the Source of life that Influences you?

 ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿป (Let me stop here for now).

 To be Outside God is Dangerous, because only when you are in God will His Covering be at work in your life. 

 Stay Blessed.

 ๐Ÿ“Œ[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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