
Showing posts from September, 2022

Your Portion is in the Lord

There is a Portion for you in the Lord . Imagine you were informed by someone who knows you that there was a High Value Gathering of Elites and there were display of various products with Enlightenment on their value & use but not only that there were various Gifts with Names on them, and your name was one of the Gifts, and the Package was pleasant, and you were not aware of any of these, isn't that surprising how a Seat was reserved for you with Gift that has your Name on it, in such Gathering and you missed out of it. Of course it will be very painful. Not that you weren't aware but you never thought or imagined all those beautiful things could await you there, you gave less attention to it, not knowing that your Lot has been preserved there . This Short tale is the Plight of Many Christians today, when you ask them who is their Source you hear God. God cannot be your Source and you separate yourself from the System that makes for the Flow of His Resources. 🎯The Holy Scr

7 Principles of Sustaining Divine Help

 *7 Principles of Sustaining Divine Help .*  God has been Known to be the Master & Perfect Builder(Psalm 127:1), He doesn't start a Project and leave it halfway or get weary of completing the task He has started, and that is one reason why He is not a man, He is able & reliable  to do everything He utters and say He will do. Why then do we think God will lead us on or will come to our Aid and withdraw His Presence, but we most times forget  that to keep the Hand of God upon our life and to be filled from His Overflow we have a work to keep doing. In Your Business, Career, Finances, Marriage, that Project etc... you have been crying out for the Intervention & Help of God and according to His Word, He says for as those who seek Him, they shall find Him, but in receiving the Intervention of God of God and according to His Word, He says for as those who seek Him, they shall find Him, but in receiving the Intervention of God does it just stop there and you go out of His Pres