Your Portion is in the Lord

There is a Portion for you in the Lord .

Imagine you were informed by someone who knows you that there was a High Value Gathering of Elites and there were display of various products with Enlightenment on their value & use but not only that there were various Gifts with Names on them, and your name was one of the Gifts, and the Package was pleasant, and you were not aware of any of these, isn't that surprising how a Seat was reserved for you with Gift that has your Name on it, in such Gathering and you missed out of it. Of course it will be very painful. Not that you weren't aware but you never thought or imagined all those beautiful things could await you there, you gave less attention to it, not knowing that your Lot has been preserved there . This Short tale is the Plight of Many Christians today, when you ask them who is their Source you hear God. God cannot be your Source and you separate yourself from the System that makes for the Flow of His Resources.

🎯The Holy Scripture attest to the Sovereignty of God that before we formed as Humans, He knew us and Preordained what we will become, and not only that there are Glorious Inheritance prepared for us before our arrival, and there is no discrimination in these blessing, it has been Prepared for every of God Creature, but only that these blessings are only accessed on the Foundation of Right. Do you deserve it, do you have the Right to reach out to it. You might be wondering why will God Prepare a Blessing for me and will not release it to me. (Isaiah 1:19) *"If thou will diligently hearken to the Voice of the Lord to do all that He commands you, you shall eat the Fruit of the land"* . In the Book of [Matt 15:26] _Jesus had a discussion with a Certain Woman when the woman was begging to benefit from His Ministry, but Jesus answered it is not right to give the bread of Children to dogs ._ You might wonder why was Jesus Cruel to the Woman at least she is a Human, no matter how Precious we are in the Sight of God, and the many Privileges that has our Name written on it. It does not automatically become ours, there are Conditions that gives us access to what God has for us, because even when the devil tries to hinder the blessing, he comes with Strong reasons why we shouldn't have access to it. So therefore when you are coming to present yourself as one who deserves the Blessing. You need to ask Questions like *[On What Basis & Right will God give me this, Have I Fufilled my own part of the Blessing Requirement that opens up other doorway and so many others].* 

🎯When you ask the Rich and the less Privilege what is the aim of the every day hustling they tell you to seek their daily bread, not a bad one but where exactly is this Bread, Going on a Journey or an Adventure without help can be burdensome. Many People look for there Daily Bread & Inheritance outside of God, thinking it is only when you lack that you need the Help of God. 

🎯Going outside of God and His Help seek for that Employment, Contract, Deal, Admission and Marriage makes you loose what has already been set for you. The Bible says *"My People perish because they lack Knowledge"* ,(Hosea 4:6). It is time to come to the Knowledge of we don't just have God to call on when we are in need, but in God also his Preserved our Lot & Portion, It has already been Prepared for us, but Ignorance & Deception of the Devil has prevented many from seeing this, and thinking their Portion is somewhere hidden in the Earth which has to be mined. God has already prepared rest for us, but your Separation can make you labour effortlessly without result. As much as you align & walk in Obedience to the Principles of Kingdom Living, you will not only move closer to your Portion, but you will have full access to it. If you Confine to the Principles of the Earth, you will not be able to see beyond the Crumbs that drops down to you. The Divine Blessing requires conformity to the Lifestyle of the Kingdom and not of this World to be Nourished by it.

I hope through the above message, a New Light has brought us into the Knowledge there is an Inheritance reserved for us already in God, but we don't automatically have access to it except we come into Union with God through Christ Jesus who is our Saviour.

Stay Blessed.

 ✍️✍️✍️✍️The Olufunke Writes Series. 

 ©[The Olufunke Platform].


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