7 Principles of Sustaining Divine Help

 *7 Principles of Sustaining Divine Help


God has been Known to be the Master & Perfect Builder(Psalm 127:1), He doesn't start a Project and leave it halfway or get weary of completing the task He has started, and that is one reason why He is not a man, He is able & reliable  to do everything He utters and say He will do. Why then do we think God will lead us on or will come to our Aid and withdraw His Presence, but we most times forget  that to keep the Hand of God upon our life and to be filled from His Overflow we have a work to keep doing. In Your Business, Career, Finances, Marriage, that Project etc... you have been crying out for the Intervention & Help of God and according to His Word, He says for as those who seek Him, they shall find Him, but in receiving the Intervention of God of God and according to His Word, He says for as those who seek Him, they shall find Him, but in receiving the Intervention of God does it just stop there and you go out of His Presence. No. Even If God is not being Sentimental in dispensing His Blessing, we ought to be also wise to know that we have to put ourself in the Position that attracts the King's Honour. In this Kingdom it is important to remind us that we have an Adversary that keeps roaming about looking for a way to pull down our Walls of Defence so he can have access to mishandle us. Of course God has Promised us that He will not suffer our foot to be moved but we can open the door to the Prey If we slack to walk in the Principles that makes for God's Preservation. Take for Instance God showed you His Goodness and brought a Huge Contract or Employment to you, of course you rejoice and you were grateful but after that you refused to pay your tithe, If you loose that Job or you are demoted instead of promoted will you bring it to God bringing it far but could not perfect what He has started. No you gave access to the devourer by neglecting the principle that keeps for the continuous of God's Blessing over your Job, so it is in other aspect of life, If we would keep the Hedge of God over our lives intact we must also be ready to commit to do our part by Abiding by every Kingdom Principles that makes for God's Continuous Intervention, Preservation & Overflow over our lives. {Below are certain Principles that can keep you Soaring in this Realm} 

1) The Principle of Acknowledgment to the Originator of your Success (Deuteronomy 8:17)

2) The Principle of Thanksgiving.(Psalm 103:2) 

3) The Principle of Fellowship. (1 John 1:3)


4) The Principle of Genuine Obedience.(1 Samuel 15:22)

5) The Principle of Total Dependence & Submission.(Exodus 33:14-16) 

6) The Principle of Priority.(Matt 6:33)

7) The Principle of Alignment.(Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:2).

If we keep to this Kingdom Principles, there is no way we will not continue to walk in the Overflow of God's Grace & Blessing that has come to visit us, neglecting this principles opens the door for the devourer. I therefore urge us to Commit & Choose Life over dearth & death.

Stay Blessed.

©[The Olufunke Platform]


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