A Short Charge.


 📍Being Reminded of Our Identity is Key, not only does it helps us to Build a Strong Value System for our Life, It portrays our Reaction to Events and gives a good sense of drive to who we must Become. Let me give illustration to this, Imagine a Young Child that dwells in the Palace with other kids, but every morning the words He/She gets from His Foster Parent or Guardian is that He is Insignificant and can't amount to anything good and other Children are better than Him, you just might think they words uttered from the Mouth but they are having effect on such Child's Mentality and Image, you also see a Child that his or her parents has no so much Material Possession to boast, but their Encouragement and seed of Word and Playing the Picture of Who He is, will give this Child a better perspective on life and his drive. Just like this illustration, the initiation of Sin into the World caused a Deformity to our Identity as God's Creature not only because God disown man after this action, but it just made us unworthy after we give in to its temptation, and we picked up the Image of who we are not. But God made a Remedy to this Deformity on Man and that came through the Gift of Salvation to the World. Salvation is like a liberty and a cure to the disease, but to get a man back to Shape from His Deformity into better image takes more than a day, there are remedies that need to also take place, there are ointment to apply to heal certain places being deformed, all this when diligently committed to a change will begin to occur and desired result will be achieved, Our Remedy Antidote and Ointment to get us back to Shape is nothing but the *WORD OF GOD.* The degree to which a man submit to the Learning of the Word, helps Him see *Who He is,* *Who God says He is*, and *Who He must become,* He is no longer ignorant of the template to pattern His Life or Who He must Model His Life after, because He has Jesus as an Example of how a Son of the Father must be and Portray His/Herself.

👆🏻I hope you were able to get some useful encouragement from this. I Pray that may you daily be Flooded with Light of Who you are and who you must Become.

Thanks for Reading.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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