What Qualifies you for a Breakthrough

 _What Qualifies you for a Breakthrough._ 

(Genesis 32:24-28) *"And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.And he said unto him,What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed"*.

📍Movement is a Divine Provision that every Human on Earth desires to benefit from, no one wishes to be in a level He/she has Outgrown, because any level you have outgrown has no impact and value to your life, as at the time that your Capacity is proportional to that Level, you have a lot of things to benefit from that level, but just like we Outgrow a Height Physically, Or Size, Or Mentality, We also Outgrow Levels in Life. In a Particular Level you might be earning N100,000 as your wages, you are not meant to earn that money for the rest of your life or even earn less, your wages is meant to increase, because the Market Price also goes higher daily or in Season, there are also times when you had a Qualification but that Qualification cannot give you access into some places in Life, there is a Provision for an Higher Qualification to access some Opportunities and Places in Life, so also it is with our Status in Life, there was once a time we lived in Solitude, but there is a Provision to not do life alone but to be established in Families(Psalm 68:6). Can you now see that there are Levels in Life and Movement is a Vital Criteria for Human Existence and Fulfillment.

But most at times moving from one Level to another just as illustrated or accessing some vital things in Life becomes impeded or inaccessible, thereby making a man handicapped or unproductive. Imagine you going to a destination and you have been going through one door to the other as you walk through the Path to your destination, but then you got to a Particular door and it refuses to Open, you tried the Key to that door just as you have been doing with other doors, but still yet it refuses, then days, months and years began to roll in, still yet this door refuses to Open. I know you would have been Frustrated, Perplexed, Confused and Unhappy because the time you should have used to Open 2-3 more doors, you are still battling with one door. But does this mean that this is where you will be Forever, you won't pass beyond this door, when there are still many doors  you need to go through to your destination and to access your needs. At this Point, What is the Next Point of Action after all effort to get this door before you Open. To every Problem, there is a Solution, but when we have exhausted our Effort, then we need an *INTERVENTION*, this door before you that becomes difficult to access, do you know that God has a Solution and a Wisdom on how you can break through this Barrier, Now that you have tried all method and there is no result, there is a Wisdom that can get this Door Opened because there is nothing difficult or an impossibility before God.

 _Before we look at What Qualifies us to receive a Breakthrough from God. Let us look at what Suddenly happens that makes a man's movement becomes impeded, you have been moving, going through one door from another accessing every blessing in each level._ 

 *Now let us look at What Impedes a Man's Movement/ in Life.* 

1) *Absence of the Power & Authority of God in a man's Life* (Psalm 24:7-8) - Just because you have been accessing some doors with Ease, does not mean these doors are just mere paper or wood, Every door that leads to a New Level in Life is attached to a Power & Authority, for you to have access into it, then you must be carrying a Greater Power & Authority than it, If not it will keep shutting on you. 

2) *Ingratitude* - The fact that some people access some door's easily do not let them know its worth, every level that opens up to you do you show Gratitude to God and Honor the Opener of that door, do you daily thank God for that level and its benefit in your Life. Ingratitude closes the door over an incoming Blessing. Be always Grateful to God it is not your Intelligence or Skill that gave you access to that Level. It is God's Mercy.

3) *The Presence of Sin in a Man's Life* (Romans 1:21) - You see this Sin we are seeing in a Man's Life is like a Termite, that has come to destroy valuable and good thing in a man's life, when you are living in Sin , you give room to the Oppression of the devil, the devil may decide that He just wants to see you live in Agony and therefore Oppress you and Struggle with your New Level, but when you desist from Sin, his Power over your Life becomes weak and has no ability to fight with belongs to you.

4) *The Presence of Little Foxes that destroys the Vine* - (Solomon 2:15), There are times that you might have the Power & Authority of God, you might Acknowledge God's doing in your Life and not even live in Sin, but there are characters that are not worthy of Commendation as a Child of God (Such as Pride, Anger, Lack of Submission), you can go Higher with these Character in you, because as you go higher in Life, God wants you to Reflect Him, Everyone God places at the top is with the Intention to Reflect either in Business, Career, Ministry or any Field. So He keeps you handicapped over a matter that was easy to you, then He humbles your heart to seek. In your Seeking Him for Solution, He teaches you on what you need to do right and work on you.

Now that we know what causes an Impendement to Progress. I Urge us that we avoid it so we don't find ourselves continually in these State.

📍But Don't Forget that we are here because we need a Solution to a Problem (Which is  a Closed door and a Lack of Progress). I said it earlier that when you have tried everything and exhausted your effort, then what you need is a _Divine Intervention_ , *but there is a Principle that Qualifies us for this Intervention/Breakthrough,* (because is not just about asking about God I want a Breakthrough). You need to Incorporate the Following into your Life. I will Site example from the Following Scripture on how some men receive their Breakthrough from God.

 *Jacob* - [Genesis 32:24-28- _"And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob's thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me"_. ]. We can see *Humility* from this, Jacob came to the End of Himself knowing that He cannot pass through this Level and enter into the Best of God for His Life without Coming to God, but He did not just come to God, He also accepted the Condition from God irrespective of whether it is fine by Him or not. You can't want God Solution and Put your Condition of how you want it to work. If not you will be impeding the Intervention of God yourself.

2. *Jabez* - [1Chronicles 4:9-10- _"And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren: and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow.And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested"_]; *Acknowledging the Sovereignty of God.* You can't want the Intervention of God and also combine another Solution from another Source; let us just see or try which will work it is Important to Know that you need to trust only the Intervention of God only then will you see a Way out.

3. *Waiting for God's Timing* (Isaiah 40:31). If you are not ready to move your Life according to God's Timing and going through the Process that Leads to your Breakthrough, you might miss both the Intervention and Restoration that God intends to bring into your Life and still be stuck.

   It is important to know that God's Solution and Ability to grant us access into every Hindered Level is *A Supernatural Breakthrough* , and when God comes to Help us in our Inability and Low Estate,He not only comes to break every barrier before us and grant us access into that New Level. He also Restores the Years wasted(Joel 2:25) trying to access one door for many years and gives us Speed to Cover the distance that we have missed. So to Qualify for this Breakthrough. You need to Abide by these Principles.

God Help us all 

 © Visionary Leader - [Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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