What you Lean on is a DETERMINANT FACTOR  in Scaling through the Heat of Life to a Place of Revealed Glory. 

(Psalms 30:5b) "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning".

📍Leaning is not part of the design a Man's locomotive framework, but it only applies when there is a barrier to the Original design of locomotion, it is then applied as a Support System to aid locomotion, but what we Lean on has the Capacity to either carry us to the destination aimed but to which our ability is limited to get to or shipwreck the process to the destination. A Point in our Journey will come where our Faith will be tested to proof our Genuniness and Commitment of whom we believe, at this Point, Our locomotion will be impended and we come to a Phase where we need Support to move on, all that is in us begin to yearn for a system that will move us on through the thick cloudy storm inorder to survive the heat of the current Pressure we are experiencing, but there is no better system to Lean on during the days of Adversity other than *THE PROMISES OF GOD* , In the Quest of Support to overcome the heat of pressure and exhalation during the days of Adversity, Some People decide to Lean on the Arm of Flesh like them, or Advice from someone they think has an Idea of what they are going through, but I tell you none of this can be Compared to the PROMISES OF GOD. The Promises of God are the Possibilities of God that is able to become a reality in your Life and God's thought and intentions for you that can never change or diminish irrespective of any Condition. It makes you see what can become of you regardless of what you currently might be experiencing. I Present it to you bodly that No System has the Capacity to carry you Successfully from the Beginning of the Tunnel to the End of a Tunnel or from the Pit to the Palace other than the PROMISES OF GOD. IT HELPS KILLS DOUBT, INSECURITY, FEAR AND LOST HOPE AND MAKE ALIVE EVERY POSSIBILITY THAT IS ATTACHED TO YOUR DESTINY AND GIVE YOU THE COURAGE TO EMBRACE IT TILL IT BECOMES A REALITY TO YOU.


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