The Value of God's Presence

 The Value of God's Presence. 

๐Ÿ“In Life there are treasures that if we possess they definitely will be of Great Value to us. Take for Instance If your Earthly Father handed you an Inheritance from his Possession it is one you will greatly treasure and not loose guard on it. As much as such will be diligently secured, you will not also want to sell it off. We are not a Novice to preserving and maintaining treasures or Possession that are Priceless or a link to something more Glorious and Better. I am here to place an Emphasis on a Greater Possession much worthy than any Possession or Inheritance we could have received on Earth and which is the *PRESENCE OF GOD.* In all of our Pursuit and getting of things if we do not Contend and Seek for the *PRESENCE OF GOD,* it will just be like plight of one who built his or her house on a terrain of sand and God through His word admonishes us that If He isn't with a man in whatever is Building be it Daily Endeavour for Achievement and Success or a Business or an Institution or a Home it is just in Vain (Psalm 127:1). 

๐Ÿ“Œ *The Presence of God when secured not only takes off Spiritual pest and Success parasites from your Life and Daily Endeavour to a Fulfilling and Successful Life, it also helps attract Favour and keeps your Path in Life beaming with Light and Glory.* 

๐Ÿ“As you Engage with this Thought and Word of Marble from the Lord, I want you to begin to ask yourself and work towards *"How Should you Secure the Presence of God" and what must you daily do that allows His Presence abide with you"*.

Stay Blessed.

© The Olufunke Platform


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