(Genesis 17:1-2) "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly".

 *How Does God REWARD MEN?* 

 Reward is God dispensing a Treasure in Heaven to His Creature. It is God going the Extra Mile over a Man's Request. It is God giving a man a Precious Gift that is not Commonly found anywhere and that cannot be Replicated. It is when God put His SIGNATURE over a Certain Blessing. But today we will like to look at what grants a Man Access into the REWARD SYSTEM OF GOD. We can also move from enjoying some Common Blessing to receive Tangible Blessings that has the Signature of God and last a lifetime. One that makes God cut Covenant   with a man.

    The REWARD we are talking about here is not just what you get in return of a good or Service, *we are talking about the Extension of God's Generosity over a Man's Life* 

     To Secure a Place in God's REWARD System and to receive Great Inheritance of the the Life of God, It is important to know that there is a REQUIREMENT that Position a Man to receive God's REWARD and Access it. From the Life of Abraham. We Can learn that OBEDIENCE, CONSISTENCY, COMMITMENT, FAITHFULNESS AND THE FEAR OF THE LORD Position ABRAHAM for a Greater Blessing with God.

 When God Calls you to walk with Him, He has so many Great Intentions and Plan for you, but there is a TEST OF FAITH in this Walk with God that Proves whether you are Qualified to become a LINEAGE OF GRACE or not. It is not enough to desire an Exceeding Blessing, Expansion, Enlargement, Increase and Multiplication, we need to know that we must WALK BEFORE GOD AND BE PERFECT, Let our Walk be Worthy of True Consistency. When we ought to Obey, Please Obey and not Half Obedience, when you ought to be Faithful be Faithful and don't share the Place of God with Something else.

 _Why do you think God went the Extra Mile over DAVID Kingship than Saul. The Man David has Captured the HEART OF GOD, and God had no Choice than Extending HIS HAND OVER HIS PLACE AND TERRITORY._ 

 [YOU WANT TO EXPERIENCE THE HAND OF GOD over your Life and Endeavour, then Learn to Capture HIS HEART]

 Stay Blessed.

 ©[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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