Knowing the Plan of God keeps you out of Negotiating your Future with the Devil

 May God help us See far beyond the Now, when a Man cannot see that God has great things in stock for him or her, when the devil offers such Lollipop, they will think that is the best thing that can happen to them and loose the Glory ahead. Don't Negotiate with the devil. If Jesus was Ignorant of why He was here on Earth, when the devil took Him to the High Hills and Offered Him all of this world, He would have Jumped at it.

Esau was so short sighted, he never taught his birthright was relevant to his Destiny, and that is what majority of us are guilty of; we never desire to know what God has Prepared for us (and which are Glorious), and we just go ahead and receive whatever the devil might be presenting to us, thinking that is all we can have. That is not all you can have ooo! God got something bigger for you, don't give in to the Negotiations of the devil.

 To be Ignorant of God's Plan for your Life is to be Vulnerable to the delicacies of the devil.

©[The Olufunke Platform].


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