
Showing posts from December, 2023

Gaining Advantage & Dominating in New Experiences from the Possibilities of a Vantage Point.

 Gaining Advantage & Dominating in New Experiences from the Possibilities of a Vantage Point. 🎯God's System of Advantage doesn't just gives us access to possibilities but also equips us with the Right Knowledge and Tool to steward the possibilities rightly in our life.  Knowing well that every Season has much as it comes with a Blessing and Lesson it also comes with an attitude to steward both the blessing and lesson so that you don't miss out on any of them. When a Year is Closing out, and another year is about to be ushered in, it is not just a Natural Calendar year but also a Spiritual Calendar year and a lot of spiritual activities goes in the spiritual realm which is always marked by seasons in a Spiritual Calendar (this realm is an unforeseen, but very important in the Manifestation of things in the Physical Realm). We do not just stumble through things in the Physical Realm either good or bad situation, it has first run through the Spiritual Realm before it Mani


*Cracking the Divine Buy Back Code.*  🎯A Man of God once defined Fulfillment as becoming everything God purposed and predesigned you to be, running the Race of Life without God in the Equation or His Involvement in your Life is not a Fulfilled Life, you can acquire every earthly materials and still be Unfulfilled, having run the race and we can look at your Life under the Lens of God and there is an Alignment with what has been written about you or proclaimed about you, then we can attest to the fact that indeed you have lived a Fulfilled Life.  *Why is this Subject very important and why is it Coming to us now?*  📍The Journey of Fulfillment in Life cannot be discussed outside of God's Domain and Kingdom, and this discussion is not just about attaching yourself to a Family of God or clinch on, on a Church Activities, it is more than that. To live a truly Fulfilled Life here on Earth then you must step out of being an outsider or visitor to the Ordinances of God and Step into a Co


 🎼🎼When we *walk with the Lord* in the *light of His Word*   *What a glory He sheds on our way!*   *While we do His good will,* _He abides with us still_  And with all who will trust and obey  *Trust and obey, for there's no other way,* *To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey*🎼🎼 WHEN WE WALK WITH THE LORD THROUGH EVERY SEASON OF OUR LIFE, EITHER THE PLEASANT ONES OR THE THE DARK SEASON, 😀😀😀 you will Experience the Dimension of the FATHERHOOD of God, Our God is both the God of the Mountain and the God of Valley and the God of the Caves and Stronghold, His Revealing of His Presence are just different, when you are in the Strongholds and Caves Just like David, don't give up God and look to another system for help and miss the Journey of Experience, God intend to take you to, you might wander who cares about Experience, but you don't go through any Journey and not receive REWARD for it. I MEAN MIGHTY REWARD.  Thanks for Engaging. Be Blessed.