Gaining Advantage & Dominating in New Experiences from the Possibilities of a Vantage Point.

 Gaining Advantage & Dominating in New Experiences from the Possibilities of a Vantage Point.

🎯God's System of Advantage doesn't just gives us access to possibilities but also equips us with the Right Knowledge and Tool to steward the possibilities rightly in our life.

 Knowing well that every Season has much as it comes with a Blessing and Lesson it also comes with an attitude to steward both the blessing and lesson so that you don't miss out on any of them. When a Year is Closing out, and another year is about to be ushered in, it is not just a Natural Calendar year but also a Spiritual Calendar year and a lot of spiritual activities goes in the spiritual realm which is always marked by seasons in a Spiritual Calendar (this realm is an unforeseen, but very important in the Manifestation of things in the Physical Realm). We do not just stumble through things in the Physical Realm either good or bad situation, it has first run through the Spiritual Realm before it Manifest in the Physical, that is why before an Event will occur in the Physical, many might have received an awareness either through a dream, visions, revelation, and prophetic word and what we do with what we received can go along way in either establishing the good settled in the Spiritual Realm or avert any Evil in the Spiritual Realm, the Spiritual indeed Controls the Physical. 

📍When this is so, Preparation towards a New Calendar year should not just be approach Physically, but also Spiritually, when the Spiritual births our Physical Manifestation. We are at a Vantage Point when we approach our New Year with this Attitude. When a man stands on a High Hills, He/She has a Clearer & Wider View of what is happening around than one who is beneath the Plain. Positioning at a Vantage Point is very necessary at such a time as this because it gives you an Advantage in the sense that when you are informed, you will not have a deformed experience. In as much as preparing and planning towards many Physical activities is important to achieve our desire, what enables us to have Dominion over a year depends on our Authority prowress in the Spiritual Realm.

📌 *As much as you look forward to making Resolution and Planning towards a year for a better Outcome,* what makes a you have a Greater impact is manning your position and taking authority over your allocated resources in the Spiritual Realm so has to reap the Fruit Physically, this keeps you at a Vantage Point in the Physical Realm. It gives you more Advantage than you can ever imagine.

📍 *Buying into the Possibilities that your Spiritual Vantage Point offers occurs by giving yourself to a Seperated time of Prayer, Fasting, Study of the Word, Fellowship with the HOLYSPIRIT and denying the Flesh, all these will give a man access into Divine Instructions, Prophetic Insight, Foresight, Spiritual Strategies and Divine Ideas which is able to make you Dominate over the Year.* 

🎯Eagles are a Special breed of Birds that have a deep and Clearer foresight above all other birds, they can see farther into a distance space and know ahead of time what is coming, they have this Advantage because the Eagle is a Specie that positions at a higher range and they fly at an Higher Pedigree, this gives them an Opportunity to see farther and clearer. It is not just enough to proclaim a Year has a Year of your Blessing without taking Authority in the Spiritual Space and  birthing the Blessing that brings the Manifestation into the Physical Realm. To experience many Possibilities and Dominate in Spaces in the Coming Year, it is  vividly important that we buy into the possibilities that the Spiritual Realm has to offer us at this time, because this gives us an Advantage towards the new year without Sowing in patches land and droughts.

As we Step into the New year and which could also mark New Season for many, my prayer is that we will be equipped with the Right Information that precipitate the Soil of Our Physical Manifestation to easily access what we really desire and has been divinely Ordained for us.

Stay Blessed.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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