*Cracking the Divine Buy Back Code.* 

🎯A Man of God once defined Fulfillment as becoming everything God purposed and predesigned you to be, running the Race of Life without God in the Equation or His Involvement in your Life is not a Fulfilled Life, you can acquire every earthly materials and still be Unfulfilled, having run the race and we can look at your Life under the Lens of God and there is an Alignment with what has been written about you or proclaimed about you, then we can attest to the fact that indeed you have lived a Fulfilled Life.

 *Why is this Subject very important and why is it Coming to us now?* 

📍The Journey of Fulfillment in Life cannot be discussed outside of God's Domain and Kingdom, and this discussion is not just about attaching yourself to a Family of God or clinch on, on a Church Activities, it is more than that. To live a truly Fulfilled Life here on Earth then you must step out of being an outsider or visitor to the Ordinances of God and Step into a Committed Journey to the Ordinances of God and Systems of God, but the issue is how do you know if you are Walking outside the Ordinances of God or you are really in a Journey of Commitment to the Ordinances of God. In the book of *(Isaiah 30), the Lord describes and exposed some set of People who take Counsel and Covering outside of God and are so confident in it, they even go down to Egypt for Help and Strength,even when they know Help and Strength comes only from God, but they refuse to acknowledge God in their endeavours, and the Lord said look at these set of People, they will never get the Help they are looking for, neither the Strength nor the Counsel needed but they will be swallowed by Destruction, even though Result proceeds from such, when weighed the End is Destruction and Fall, how then can this Endeavour lead to a Fulfilled Life?* 

🎯But even though you are found yourself in such Scenario either through Ignorance or the Seed of Sin & Disobedience,  _there is Provision for a Buy Back that connects you with your Fulfillment and true Prosperity in Life._ 

 *The Book of (Isaiah 30:15) clearly points out that In a Man's Returning and Rest from Unfruitful Pursuit shall be be Saved and Blessed, In a Man's Quiteness and Surrender to God will he find Strength, so no matter how far you have gone out of Pursuit to Become and to Achieve,* I bring it to you that there is just one way that leads to Fulfilment, Success, Rest and Everlasting Peace and that is Surrendering to the *WAYS AND ORDINANCES OF GOD,* and not Considering your Past Mistakes or Steps God is Accept you into His Fold, Lead you, and Recover all your Lost Opportunities and time and True Enrichment will be unveiled. God has made enough preparation and sacrifice before time to see that all of your Provision and Access to a Fulfilled Life is lived out through the Sacrifice of His Only begotten Son to the World. 

 📍A Union with Christ Life will grant you immeasurable access into your Spiritual Blessing, Inheritances, Provisions, Help and Counsel needed to live a Fulfilled Life without Stress or Strive. Come out from the Mindset or Ideology that there are tested principle that can grant you access to Success and Fulfillment, that is incorrect they will only leave you in disillusion with an Appearance that looks real but leaving a mark of dissatisfaction. Step into the Journey of Dependence in God's Help and Strength and you will see how far you will go in Life and Become with Ease.*

 Thanks for Engaging

Stay Blessed.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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