
Showing posts from February, 2024

I am Competent by the Anointing

 πŸ™‡‍♀️πŸ™‡‍♀️πŸ™‡‍♀️ I am Competent by the Anointing. God's  Anointing is not meant only for the Ministers, but also for every Believer in Christ, through the Anointing (which is God's Ability in us) it helps us our inability. God is not Sentimental in giving His Ability only to those on the Pulpit but every of His Children spread in the different Sphere of Influence with the intention to promote God's Cause wherever they find themselves. Competence can not be achieved by our Strength. Therefore Minus God's Ability from our Effort will open up a loophole of deficiency. Believe it or not Systems like [Psalm 127:1] & [Psalm 18:37], as what has made our Life look like a Superman/Superwoman in the sight of World, but If you don't Honour & Nurture this System (Found in the Word of God), Life Journey will be of Falling and Rising, and you might think God is inconsistency, No. It is we that needs to Understand to Nurture what Serves us.

The Voice of God is your Greatest Advantage over any Situation.

 Do you know that the Voice of God is your Greatest Advantage over any Situation in Life?. πŸ“When a Man wants to get a Favourable Outcome out of any Situation, He/She needs to have a Factor of Advantage, why is this needed you may ask, can't I embark on a thing and it will end well. Actually If in a Situation, your T's are well Cross, and your I's are dotted, things might end well, but at most times, there are factors that works against a man's good intentions and effort, and that is why the Bible says _"Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own Understanding",_ and another part of the Scripture made us to Understand that _"Except the Lord builds the House, they labour in Vain that builds it"._ A Man's Physical Strength and Ability can never get a Man far in Life. There are Decisions and Actions that If you take in Life on the Strength of your Physical Intellect would mostly lead to Regrets, Delusion and Mishap in Life. Having  Said thi

A Charge on Reactions to Seasons in our Life

  🎯 Learning to Understand the Hand of God in all Situations is very important. One Key Prayer we need to Pray amongst all Prayer is that * "O Lord when you bring me into a Season, reveal to me what Season it is to me, and help me Understand what you are doing in my Life and what you want to Achieve in my Life, and the Lessons you want to use this Season to teach me" * ...... After which we need to ask God for the Wisdom to respond in all Season, because either in the Valley or on the Mountain top. God is always there. Our Reaction to the Season is just what determines the Fruit we get from it. _ Stay Blessed. _ © [The Olufunke Platform]

The Superficial Advantage of Making the Kingdom of God your Priority

   Seek First the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. (Matt 6:33). πŸ—£️πŸ—£️πŸ—£️ Declare with me, the things of God will not weary me out. It is the devil's lie and deceit to think maximum attention is only to be given to things that sustains our Physical living and the returns of our Profit and Income. The Danger in falling to this is that we loose out of the *POWER* that makes that ought to Supply Efficiency into our daily living, the works of our hand, our Marriage and Relationship with others. God has provided a System of Solution when we encounter challenges in the course of our interaction with the Environmental factor around, but funny enough, we walk by it and labour earnestly on what ought not to give us headache (what am really trying to say is that you are stucked in the midst of a situation on how to move from where you are to where you need to be; or a Solution to a complex problem). In the Kingdom of God there is a System we


  πŸ“– Thou O Lord will Show me the Path of Life. πŸ‘†There is a Path before every man and it doesn't take the Natural Eyes to Discover it or the Natural Heart to Understand it, but there is a Promise that it will be made Known to us by Whom? By God, but If you don't Surrender your Eyes, Ears and Heart to Him through PRAYER and through Guidance of the WORD. It will be difficult to Comprehend the Height, Breath and Width of God's Path to you and the Steps to take in Advancing in that Path.  Not all Prayers are Just God, (Give me, Give me), there are Prayers of God HAVE ME TO YOURSELF and REMOVE DROSSES, so that you know the Right Place to Sow your Seed and the  Right time to Harvest and also know how to Recognize your Blessing and Expand it, there is a PATH before you and there is a PATTERN to live by and enjoy the Goodies of the Path and also avoid the Poisons on the Path. WALK WITH GOD HERE ON EARTH AND NOT POSTPONE THE JOURNEY UNTIL YOU GET TO HEAVEN SO THAT YOU DON'T RUN