The Voice of God is your Greatest Advantage over any Situation.

 Do you know that the Voice of God is your Greatest Advantage over any Situation in Life?.

📍When a Man wants to get a Favourable Outcome out of any Situation, He/She needs to have a Factor of Advantage, why is this needed you may ask, can't I embark on a thing and it will end well. Actually If in a Situation, your T's are well Cross, and your I's are dotted, things might end well, but at most times, there are factors that works against a man's good intentions and effort, and that is why the Bible says _"Trust in the Lord your God and lean not on your own Understanding",_ and another part of the Scripture made us to Understand that _"Except the Lord builds the House, they labour in Vain that builds it"._ A Man's Physical Strength and Ability can never get a Man far in Life. There are Decisions and Actions that If you take in Life on the Strength of your Physical Intellect would mostly lead to Regrets, Delusion and Mishap in Life. Having  Said this, I am here to Profer Solution to unending Efforts to get Result in Life and Advance through a Project in Life. We cannot but Emphasize on the God Factor in a man's Race in Life and there are Systems at which God extends His Help into a man's Race in Life, so that we are on an Edge of Advantage in our Efforts through Life. Many of these Help include *Favour, Grace, Mercy, God's Leading through  His Voice and Divine Guidance.* One important Advantage we have as Believers is *GOD'S VOICE.* There are Certain Steps and Decisions in Life that we can not Only depend on God's Favour, Grace, Mercy and the rest as an Help, because System of Help and Advantage as their Various Function and Season of Need, but One System of Help or Advantage that is ever Relevant in any Season and at any Point is God's Voice, there is never a time that the Voice of God is archaic or vogue or irrelevant either when a Man is embarking on an Unknown Adventure *(Such Choice of Marital Partner, Where to Settle, What He has been Called to do in Life),* or at a Cross-end or a Confusion box or even on any little matters in Life that you might think you can resolve yourself.

🎯 *The Absence of God's Voice in a man's Life as resulted in Costly Mistake in people's lives up even until becoming a Victim of Fraud, Deception and the devil's successful Project.* 

📌We must never demean the Value  of God's Voice in our Life because it is the Greatest Advantage over any Situation, and we need to know that the Voice of God does not just come to anyone because it is a Kingdom Treasure that can be duplicated either through the devil, your Will or your Emotions, So therefore to Enjoy this Great Treasure, you need to Cultivate an Atmosphere in your Life that attracts it's Essence and this is achieved through *Surrendering the Lordship of your Life to Christ, Develop an Active Relationship with God, Build an Intimate Fellowship with the HOLYSPIRIT, Be a Student of God's Word and above all make Obedience an Hallmark to pay heed to.* You can never Walk in the Principles of the Above and not enjoy the Abundance of God's Word, but never walk in the above without putting on Obedience as a barge, so that become a Victim of Destruction amidst the Help of God in your Life.

🎯My Prayer has we interact with the above Word the Lord has sent to us, we obtain Grace to Pay keen attention to it, be a Doer of it and Indeed God's Voice will keep us on the Edge of Life Greatest Battles, Hurdles and Effort.

 Yours in the Kingdom.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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