
Showing posts from March, 2024


 ATTRACTING PEACE IN TROUBLE WATERS.(Psalm 65:1-2, Psalm 34:19)  📍What was your thought when you saw the Headline of this message saying *"Attracting Peace in Troubled Waters".* It sounds like a Metaphor Expression right, you may wonder that Attraction speaks to beautiful situation or a Person, *but it is important to know that when we Walk with the Lord , He wants to bring us from a Realm of Reality to a Realm of Faith, a State of Impossibility to a Realm of Belief.* Regardless of the Magnitude of anything we wish to receive from the Lord or His request of Intervention over any Situation, there is an Attitude we must put on and exhibit. Have you Studied the Life of Jesus when He wanted something from His Father while on carrying out His Assignment, he never went around trying to figure it out or go out in anxiety or fear don't just Conclude that because He was the Son of God or was powerful. Jesus did not come here to play out Nollywood but to Model & Teach to us h

What Qualifies us to be a Candidate of God's Mercy [Teaching Series on the REIGN OF GOD'S MERCY].

Teaching Series 1 on the Reign of God's Mercy.  [What Qualifies us to be a Candidate of God's Mercy]. (Romans 9:15-16) _"For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy"_ A Scripture opens us up to God's Vulnerability on how God dispenses His Mercy which is a Nature of Him, as much as Mercy is God's Nature, and a Scripture Highlighted that God is full of Mercy (Psalm 103:8), it is not available to everyone, God declares that He only shows His Mercy to whom He chooses to shows His Mercy.  What then Can grant us access to this Dimension of God?  Mercy is One of the System of Advantage in God's Kingdom, and as we know there are many System of Advantage in God's Kingdom (Such as Light, Favour, Grace, Wisdom, Direction, Divine Guidance etc...), but to be a beneficial of this Advantage we