ATTRACTING PEACE IN TROUBLE WATERS.(Psalm 65:1-2, Psalm 34:19) 

📍What was your thought when you saw the Headline of this message saying *"Attracting Peace in Troubled Waters".* It sounds like a Metaphor Expression right, you may wonder that Attraction speaks to beautiful situation or a Person, *but it is important to know that when we Walk with the Lord , He wants to bring us from a Realm of Reality to a Realm of Faith, a State of Impossibility to a Realm of Belief.* Regardless of the Magnitude of anything we wish to receive from the Lord or His request of Intervention over any Situation, there is an Attitude we must put on and exhibit. Have you Studied the Life of Jesus when He wanted something from His Father while on carrying out His Assignment, he never went around trying to figure it out or go out in anxiety or fear don't just Conclude that because He was the Son of God or was powerful. Jesus did not come here to play out Nollywood but to Model & Teach to us how to react and respond to Situation. 

🎯Before you begin to ask, has Jesus ever been in Trouble Waters before of course, did you read about His Experience with the devil in the Wilderness after His 40-days, the Storm He and His Disciples faced at Capernaum and His Experience at the Garden of Gethsemane, did any of this Trouble Waters overwhelm Him. No, and this was because Jesus built within Him an Attitude. Our Response and Reaction to any Situation is a by-product of Habit we have Cultivated over time and the Attitude we have built before time.

📌 Today I have come to bring to our Consciousness that it takes a Positive Response and Attitude to have Peace in Turbulent Situations, as much as you can be trusting God and depending on His Intervention to put an end to every trouble you might come across, His Power and Possibilities only comes when our Faith is put to Work, because If you can't believe, you can attract your Miracle.

🎯 Then you might now ask How then can you Attract Peace in Trouble Waters?* It is important to know *PEACE* does not just Visit except we attract it's Fragrance and AURA. Don't go too far to say you are not _JESUS_ , that the Waters can not be overwhelming you and you should not shiver because you are Human. Exactly God never design that we exhibit some attitudes and actions by our Strength because our Flesh will always Fail us because it is only trained to live in the Reality of the Nature and it's Environment, and that is why God's Spirit has been provided for us in this Race (Zechariah 4:6), without the Empowerment of the Spirit, you can't exhibit *JOY in Painful Season, STAY CALM & PEACEFUL in Trouble Waters , or show LOVE to one who plainly despise you. When you allow the Spirit of God to Work in you, then your Life can bear Fruit and be Fruitful according to the Order of the Spirit {Galatians 5:23, JOHN 15:1-4}.

📌 It is not new to us that to diligently Stay Calm in Troubled Situations and pull the Hand of God to Intervene over what seems beyond us, rendering a Worthy Praise is a Major Key among many others such as [Staying in Faith, Prayer & Confessing into the Situation], but PRAISE mostly flows in a Joyful Moment, you therefore can see that our EMOTIONS will fail us in Walking with God and putting our Faith to Work. To therefore Attract the Possibilities of God in any Situation either PEACE through TROUBLED WATERS or be it JOY in PAINFUL MOMENTS or MEEKNESS in UNDULY SITUATIONS, we need to Submit to the Holyspirit to Override our Emotions and Produce out the Kind of Attitude needed to respond to Situations and Attract the Miracle we Desire.

Stay Blessed.

 [The Olufunke Platform]


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