Let's look at the Illustrations of a Category of Animals, which is the Bird, there are different Species of Birds, and each of this Species has their Capacity of Functionality and Performance, but there is a Special Specie of Bird that Operates with an Excellent Pedigree and that's the *EAGLE.* You might think the Eagle was created special that's why it has great level of Insight and Ability to Soar, but can I tell us that every Specie was created Distinctively to Manifest in its own Class, and be appreciated with its Own Uniqueness, but the Eagle excelled them well. Why this is because *THE EAGLE has learnt VITAL PRINCIPLES that Stabliizes it's Revealing Capacity.* So it is for we Human, God has not created any of us lesser than the Other, and no one has been created without a Destination with a Successful Ending, but what gives us the Ability to Operate in an A+ grade is our Knowledge of Some Key Principles and Requires.

You can never come into *DESTINY REALISATION AND FULFILLMENT,* If you don't come in Alignment with the Following.

1) Knowing God and Knowing Christ - This is Because Destiny is our Destination in God, anyman ignorant of God and His Ways will never even Realise that there is a Prepared Path and Place for Him or Her.

2) Consecration - No man who desires to manifest Destiny in life walks anyhow, act anyhow, live anyhow or Speak anyhow. Can you Remember SAMSON, he was made for a Purpose and not just any Purpose, but an A+ one, His Requirements stood out, and his inability to abide to His Consecration Requirements made Him fall out of Place.

πŸ—£️πŸ—£️πŸ—£️ May we not fall out of Destiny in the Name of Jesus.

3) Perseverance - Anyone who desires to Fulfill Destiny, must be ready to Walk with God without looking back or curating His own Plans, no matter the terrains of the Path, If your Desire is to get to God Successfully end then you must determine to endure the *Process* to the End.

4) Obedience - I know that we all like to Fulfill Destiny, to Soar high, to Shine bright, but our *Ears and Heart must be so Submitted and Inclined to God,* you cannot do a Business of Partial Obedience or no Obedience with God and go far in Life, because one Obedience to One Instruction is the Key to the Unveiling of the Next.

5) Determination & Focus - Never you think the Journey to a Successful End, will be especially for those who has discovered they are going Somewhere and are Pursuing the path, the greatest battle comes to them, because the devil he is in trouble, you are therefore not permitted to carry besetting Sins and Weight.

One day God told me _WALK BEFORE ME AND BE THOU PERFECT,_ it was that day I understood what God said to Abraham, some experiences will come with your Understanding, can God vouch for you and can you be determined and Focus not to Substitute on the Journey or Bargain. Every one who desires to Fulfill Destiny have their Eyes focus just like the Eagle.


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