The Framework behind Inclining your Ears to Wisdom and Heart to Understanding

 The Framework behind Inclining your Ears to Wisdom & Heart to Understanding (Proverbs 2:2).

📍The Book of Proverbs is a tutor of practical wisdom and Discernment for an Excellent living, and it advices us on how to give ourselves to Wisdom inorder to live s more Superior life, as we know *WISDOM* is a Vital tool for any Decision-making Journey, It is important  to know that the dispensing of WISDOM, has no source other than GOD, and from His Mouth comes Knowledge and Understanding (Proverbs 2:6), Now that we understand that WISDOM & DISCERNMENT is a Key Requirement to live a Successful life, it is important then to give ourselves to this life changing tools. 

The Intent of this message is to bridge the gap between between the Available_ WISDOM & DISCERNMENT for our Fluorishing, and our Ability to access it,_ because it is possible to be in a Season of the Release of WISDOM, and that which is Valuable for our Profiting and Growth and not be available to be a Recipient of it. _This Message is coming with the Purpose of being a Container for the Delivery of the WISDOM for the times and season we will be finding ourselves. What then do we need to Know._ 

a) *How do we Discern the Content of Wisdom.* 

b) *Elevating the State of our Ear & Heart to accommodate the Wisdom & Understanding of the Lord.* 

c) *Learning how to tune in to the Voice & Speakings of God.* 

📌A Man can loose out in accessing Wisdom & Understanding, when He lacks *Discernment.* _Discernment is one Quality we need to build into our Life, and how do we Build Discernment no other way, than in PRAYER,_ Pray! Pray! Pray!  till your Senses become arched to the realm of God and the Mind of God, different content fly here and there, but when discernment has been built in you, you will be guided in Knowing to that which is Relevant for you and that which is not, now that you have been guided to a Place of WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING, and you know that so much is in stock for you, how then do your Receiving Channel (which are the Ear & Heart), accomodate all that is in stock for you to be able to translate into tangible outcome, because Transformation from any experience comes by the ability of the Receiving channel to beyond the present, but for the future, and this does not come naturally most of what we consume in, is just for the purpose to run for the now, but we are not giving  *INFORMATION only for the NOW, but also for DESTINY,* that is why we need to receive not only for now, but for Destiny. There is therefore a Foundation required to receive WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING and that is to train our Receiving Channel. If your Receiving Channel is not Train or Incline it will not be able to retain profitable Information.

🎯 Now that it is established that the Ability of our Receiving Channel to retain viable information is dependent on a Training and Inclination System, then the Question we need to ask is HOW DO I INCLINE/TRAIN MY EAR TO WISDOM & MY HEART TO UNDERSTANDING? May I use this Opportunity to introduce that we have 2 types of Senses either for the Eyes, Ear or Heart as we have the ones we can see in the Physical so also we have the ones that are invisible and can only relate with the Spiritual world, any impact that will last in our Life will have to be sprout and engineered in the Spiritual World, now where is the Origin of WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING -It is from God, to access Divine Wisdom & Understanding, we need to be in Synchrony with God's Realm, we can't access Wisdom either directly from God or through Inspired Sources, without engaging your Spiritual Senses that is you must engage not only with your Physical Ears to hear but with your Spiritual Ear also and your Spiritual Heart, this is how to receive WISDOM from God and Understanding over matters, because different Content could come to us but If the Ear of our Spirit is not opened it will not be able to take the one needed to make Wise Choices.

 What's the whole point of what has been discussed it is that we need to Come to the Point where we don't only engage our Physical Senses in the recipient of Information but our Spiritual Senses should be activated while engaging with Resources that we have Discern that has the Content of Wisdom or to Glean Wisdom directly from God himself. 

 As I drop my Pen, I Pray that our Spiritual Ears will be opened to Hear for Destiny and to Glean Wisdom and our Spiritual Heart will open to perceive Understanding in Jesus Name.

Stay Blessed.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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