The Musings on Seed Sowing and it's Relevance to our Benefit as Human.

 The Musings on Seed Sowing and it's Relevance to our Benefit as Human. (Galatians 6:8)

🎯As much as Seed Sowing is Relevant to the Physical so is it Relevant to Spiritual matters, the Bible  clearly points out several illustration where Jesus used the Phenomenon of Seed Sowing to explain Kingdom matters, (Luke 8:8) and from this we could see that the Same Principle that facilitate it's Process in the Physical is also what facilitate the Process in the Spiritual just that the Context is different, water and manure can be needed for the Growth of a Seed in the Physical, but when it comes to the Spiritual the Word of God, Prayer and other factors are needed for the Growth of a Seed in relation to the Spiritual.

🎯The Context of Discussion in Regards to Seed Sowing to which this Message desires to address is that Related to Human Relevance here on Earth, just like before you could get a Fruit or a Tree in the Physical, you have to put a Seed on the Ground, you cannot also desire a Great Outcome without applying the Principle of Seed Sowing. I know that you might know that to get a Mango or a Yam you have to initially planted the Seed, you cannot also have a Great Outcome over anything in Life without Sowing the seed towards that destination, nothing good or great emerges from no where, even with the Surest Word of God which Says _"The Thought I have towards you are of Good, and not of Evil to give you an Expected End"(Jeremiah 29:11),_ the  Word only find room to Operate when you are in Alignment with Word.

 Therefore Start Sowing the Seed of where you are today, the day you start sowing that seed is the day you begin to move Close to the Bigger Picture of your Dream and God's Intention for you. You therefore may ask for me to be a Global Influence, Thought Leader, Expert in my Field and an Influencer what Seed will I be Sowing, because Seed could mean different things based on the Context of Application.

 The Following are Seed for Human Relevance & Benefit.

1) You must have a Guide, one who has already been to where you desire to go and will lead you through the Route, and no other Person is in the Best Position for this Job than the HOLYSPIRIT, and you can only have access to Him by being Connected to God the Father, and to Christ the Saviour, this Relationship with the Trinity will empower you daily on where you are going and the WISDOM you need to get there.

2) The Power of Association - There is a Saying that your Network is equal to your Net Worth, who you are connected to has an influence on who you become and your Journey in Life, it is therefore important to choose our Community wisely, we don't want to have Firefighters in our Life instead of FireLighters. You need a Mentor as a Part of your Community, so one who is on the path of where you desire and has gone some steps ahead, your Friends and Associates also need to be Influencers and not those who will pull your dreams down.

3) You need to Develop the Right Habit- You can't want to be like Great John Maxwell or Apostle Joshua Selman tomorrow, and all you do on a daily basis is Sleep,Eat, Watch movies, and Scoop through Social Media, all these will never get you anywhere. Study the lives of Great People and what got them to where they got to, these habit are what you should start imitating, like Investing on yourself, Reading Books, Engaging in the Right Activities etc....

4) Discipline- Discipline! Discipline!! Discipline!!! is one Seed you shouldn't Joke with, you can't afford to be Involve in what  is not Profitable to the Outcome you desire or where you are going. The Bible Says all things are lawful for me, but not all things are Permitted for me (1 Cor 10:23),this is because there are some things that can drag a man backward instead of forward.

5) Service - Starting Practice and putting yourself into where you are going, this is how you Grow and Build Capacity to Emerge into what you are Becoming.

Above are some of Seed, for the Benefit of a Great Outcome, If you inculcate all these into your Life,in no time these Seeds will become a Mighty Harvest of a Great Outcome.

Thanks for Engaging, and I Pray the Lord bestowes the Grace to do the Needful in Jesus and to Sow the Right Seed that will yield a Greater Outcome.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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