The Growth that attracts Value and Favour

 (Luke 2:52) "And JESUS Grew in WISDOM  and STATURE and in Favour with God and all People".

🎯Our Perspective to anything has a great impact on our pursuit drive. The World has Painted a deformed Orientation of what *GROWTH* represents in our Life, a man thinks the absence of material possessions at his or disposal or an absence of increased Revenue or his or her inability to access various places signifies that He is not Growing, even if all the above mentioned are Evidences of a Man that has Increased or Grown, It is important to point out that it is not the Indicator or the tool of Pursuit for Growth. We will possibly encounter difficulty in achieving GROWTH, If our Growth is not Patterned in the Right Order. A Man Growth is not meant to be monolateral both bi-lateral. Growth is meant to be both Vertical and Horizontal (As we Grow in Stature or Bodily Form, we also meant to Grow in Wisdom and in the Spirit), but what we find majorly is that people pay attention to their Bodily Growth than the Spiritual Growth, and according to the *Message Translation of (Luke 2:52) Growing up in Body & Sprirt, Jesus was Blessed both by God and People. There is a Growth that makes all Men Seek for you, and bless you of their Fortune, and make God's Favour Continually Rest upon you and that is Growing in Stature(Soul) & Wisdom (Spirit).* 

 Growth does not come by Default it is an Intentional Action, every step you take in making appreciable progress in Life, make sure it is to the Contribution of your Spirit, that brings in Wisdom, as well the Contribution to your Soul that brings in Maturity in all aspect of Life, because Men will always Reward the Flow of Wisdom when its impact is transformative and our Spirit has the ability to receive enough from God to the degree to which our Soul is Fully Matured and able to discern and Navigate Right from Wrong.

 If we want to receive the Reward of our Growth, we must make sure we are Growing in the actual Alignment, and not just Growing Haphazardly .

Growing in Wisdom gives you Value, and Growth in Spiritual Stature brings Favour before God 

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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