The Pathway to Oneness with God (Principle for Accessing Divine Blessings)

 The Pathway to Oneness with God.(Principle to Accessing Divine Blessings).

If there is one Blessing that puts you on the Edge or in a Superior State is your *DOMINION MANDATE.* And this was what the Devil came to fight against and keeps fighting in a man, It is His/Her Ability to Rule & Reign over Situations, there are different Circumstances that has been designed to emanciate with the World Revolvment and they constantly plague men, but because God knew this before time, He gave us *DOMINION,* inclusive to our Increase, Flourishing, Fruitfulness & Multiplication on Earth, that means no matter how Glorious you are evolving and beautifully decorated you are so that you don't become Victims of Circumstances and Prey to the Pestilence of the Earth, He gave us the Ability to Rule & Judge Circumstances (If you still don't get it), let remind us that after Christ came to Restore our Lives, Place & Position in God, He also Restored our Dominion Mandate which was initially Stolen by the devil, by giving us the Authority to trample upon Serpents & Snake, to drink Poison and not Harm us and to Send out devil (Mark 16:18-19). But you will never have the Capacity to Walk in Dominion & Unleash the Mandate (i.e not becoming a Victims of the Financial Hardship, Delay, Destruction, Illusion, Crisis  & talk to name of the different adversity against man) when you come into *ONENESS WITH GOD* and His Image is the Pictorial Representation of your Life.

 (Having Said this, let us Establish what the ONENESS OF GOD implies and it's Contribution to our Excelling & Prevailing in Life.)

(Acts 17:28) _" In Him we move and live and have our Being"_  Just like when a Man & Woman goes into Matrimony and becomes one Flesh which is a Mystery from the Lord. Our Relation to God is also one bond by a Covenant Oneness with God and that is why He is so particular about our Union & Re-Union with God. We Can never want to live out a Father -Son Relationship and Manifest it's Profiting, until we are *ONE WITH GOD.* Never be Scared you will not be able to live out who you are, but our living is not meant to be a Separation from the Life of God in us. God Created us in His Own Image so that we would have access into the Package that comes with His Life in us, but the Problem is that we espourge and dis-comnunicate from the Life which we Inherited from the Image of His Person Released to us. Let me make it Relatable. There was a Son who was lured out of His Father's Wealth, Inheritance, Honour & Name for some Frivolities and because of His Ignorance and lust He went ahead to legally change His Surname for  another which was the Evidence of His Relationship with the Family, for an Unknown Plight, but unfortunately He went ahead to encounter Destruction & Despair instead of discomfort and soon Realized He has made a mistake and be deceived and He decided to come back to His Heritage, but still have access to His Father's Wealth and Inheritance, but because He was still lusting after the Deceived Life Style He isn't ready to come to Reconciliation but just want to pick whatever He wants or wills. Is that Possible. No, because Access to the Father's Inheritance was based on the Fact that He Returns Home, Reconcile with His Father and take up His Father's Name & Dignity. 

This is how many people's Plight with God mirrors, we want to have Access to Divine Blessings which Only comes from God without the Responsibility of Embracing & Sustaining His Life & Image in us and coming into Fellowship & Relationship with Him, where we will be Introduced to Authorities that should always give way to us(Matt 3:17)  and to Scavengers that  should shuffle with us.( Psalm 105:14) 

[Ephesians 1:3] "Blessed be the God of our Father,who hath blessed us with every Spiritual/Divine Blessing in Heavenly Places".

We will Save ourselves from Unnecessary Struggles & Labour, If we Prioritize things Orderly. One of the ways we will know you have learnt WISDOM & MASTER your Prioritizing Skill is to Build a Consistent Relationship with God where you Receive Guidance, Direction, Insight, Wisdom,Skill & Revelation on how to go about your every MOVE in Life, No matter how Intelligent you are.  "The Wisdom of God presides over any Intellectual Machination or Proposition". When you become a Student of the Secret Place, Scriptures becomes Real in your Life, then you will be:-

    1.Wiser than your   Teachers (Psalm 119:97-99)

2. Be Skillful in all matters (2 Chronicles 2:13)

3. Be more Knowledgeable for Increase (Prov 24:5)

4. God will teach you how to Make Profit.(Isaiah 48:17)

5. You have the Power to make Wealth (Deut 8:18)

Outside of God's Ability & Generosity to you, you do not have the Power to Pursue, and Overtake neither will you know the best Soil for Fertility and the best Return on Investment. Re-Organize your Prioritise towards Life Pursuit, and Receive Returns Experientially & Maximally and access Opportunities with Ease.

Stay Blessed.


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