Our Portions are with the Lord

Let this Charge your Spirit, and Rejuvenate your Relationship with God.

Our Portions are with the Lord (Psalm 16:5)

 But do you Trust God enough to Keep that Portion or you are busy Creating Roadmaps for yourselves and trying to Sort the Puzzles of your Life?

๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘†This is Exactly the Picture we Portray when we Seek our Comfort & Success above God's Kingdom. God never tell us to be Useless or Redundant when He asked us to Seek First His Kingdom & It's Righteousness (Matt 6:33) and have every other things added unto us. It was a *TRUST RELATIONSHIP/MINDSET He was trying to Establish with us,* because it could be pretty difficult to be at Rest over your worries, while you go out to mind the Lord's Business.

 But I tell you Brethren we need to Learn to Come up Hither in our Relationship with God, trusting Him that Regardless of the events of things at hand now, Whatever you have Sow to God you will Reap Bountifully and that your Portion is Forever Reserved and be Willed to you in as much as GOD is the LORD AND MASTER of your Life.

 Stay Blessed.


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