What Medium Feeds your Daily Perception?

πŸ“ The Essence of a Mirror is to Reflect to you your true Image, many of us could not describe in actual sense the Shape of our Face, our Body or the Value of External Features until we look into a Mirror, the Mirror has helped a lot of us get a Picture of our Identity displayed in the face of Others, but Imagine a Broken Mirror. Have you ever stand in front of a Broken Mirror before, it gives us an undefined reflection of our Identity, we can't tell the Shape of our Nose, neither our Eyes and most importantly give a true description of the exact Image of our Identity, and the Information or Understanding about your look or Identity largely determines what you believe about yourself and this in turn shapes the State of your Confidence.

 Imagine a Beautiful & Admiring lady daily have a Broken Mirror in front of her daily, she wouldn't be to get the Worth of her Identity, because the Broken Mirror keeps Sending the Wrong Information to her.... 

This is the Trajectory of Some Certain Individuals, in the actual sense you are not viewing a Physical Broken Mirror, but you allow Life Misconcluded Conceptions to paint before you a Picture of who you are not, thereby giving you a deformed Mindset about your Identity. Where do you look into for accuracy about the Outcome of Situation you find yourself or Genuine Answers about your Appearance or Person is it the Media, Daily News, Conclusions from Victims like you or Conclusions from Men's Perspective, all of this will give you a deformed State about the Outcome of the Situation you find yourself in and who you are in that Situation except the *Word of God* , and that is why the Word of God says that as we Behold His Word like a Mirror we are being change into His Image (2 Corinthians 3:18), i.e we are able to see our Person and the State of our Condition through the lens of God and not seeing Black when it is White by the Eyes of the Lord.

I therefore Urge you Subscribe to the *WORD OF GOD* , as your daily Mirror which helps you define and place accuracy to the State of your Outcome in any Situation and who you are in it, so that you don't go around with a deformed belief and information which in turn shapes your action and reaction to it.

I hope you were blessed.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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