
Showing posts from February, 2022

Walking in the Reality of the Unseen.

 Walking in the Reality of the Unseen.   "For more are the Children of the Desolate than the Children of the married woman"(Isaiah 54:1b). 👆🏻 When we get a word from God just like it was presented in the above Scripture, we in the real Sense find it difficult to embrace or accommodate, because you can't image how the Lord will say you have enough and in a better space of Advantage over that which you have been worrying about, Seeking the Face of God for, or waiting for its Manifestation in our life, but I want us to know that God does not need the Analysis of our Calculation before we can understand that truly we are in Abundance of that which we cannot see Physically with our Eyes, because the Natural things cannot answer to the mysterious ways of God divine proceedings in our life, for If He says a thing, He will Surely bring it to Pass.    That which we await it's Manifestation in our life will not come to Play until we have been able to Grow in rejoicing only th

Speak to that Mountain

 Speak to that Mountain 🎯Mountain in the Natural perspective is an High Eruption of a part of the earth surface, that occurs as a result of heated pressure on the earth surface, and this eruption when forms becomes so difficult to demolish, it's process of formation is not as difficult as that of demolishing it, and to know also that the path a Mountain takes its shoot and settle becomes so inaccessible and difficult to thread. Just like a Mountain was described in the light of a Natural perspective, spiritually also we have Mountains which cannot be seen with the natural eyes, but a Spiritual and Open eyes, this Mountains which we cannot see with just the ordinary eyes are certain conditions in a man's life that becomes so difficult to defeat and pull down just like a Natural mountain cannot easily be removed except through a Stronger and more defensive force. 📌But the Strategy to pull down a Mountain of which we see around us in rocky environment or on an High Plain is very

Whose Report will you Believe?

  Whose Report will you Believe? 🎯Welcome to the Month of February, and as you have step gallantly into this Month, stepping out of it will not be in shame, all that you brought into this month will become double by the 28th of this Month. 📍In the Month of February, the Lord gave us His Word to know that He is with us (Psalm 33:11) *"But what the LORD has planned will stand forever. His thoughts never change"*. This is a reassurance that God has not forgotten that which He has proclaimed over my life and yours, we all received both a Personal & Corporate Word from God on entering this year, which for sure is not a death sentence or an evil Proclaimation, because (The thought He has for us are good, and not of evil, to give us an expected end), His Word for us on the lane of this New Month is to remind us that He is with us on the train, we might have not seen the manifestation of all He proclaim to happen, but that doesn't rule out the fact in February or the months