Whose Report will you Believe?


Whose Report will you Believe?

🎯Welcome to the Month of February, and as you have step gallantly into this Month, stepping out of it will not be in shame, all that you brought into this month will become double by the 28th of this Month.

📍In the Month of February, the Lord gave us His Word to know that He is with us (Psalm 33:11) *"But what the LORD has planned will stand forever. His thoughts never change"*. This is a reassurance that God has not forgotten that which He has proclaimed over my life and yours, we all received both a Personal & Corporate Word from God on entering this year, which for sure is not a death sentence or an evil Proclaimation, because (The thought He has for us are good, and not of evil, to give us an expected end), His Word for us on the lane of this New Month is to remind us that He is with us on the train, we might have not seen the manifestation of all He proclaim to happen, but that doesn't rule out the fact in February or the months after they will not surface. 

📌But do you know that even with a Report from the Heavenly Headquarters, of which we have all gotten this morning for Our lives, either concerning our Business, Corporate Jobs, Marriages, Ministries, Church and the expectant miracle from God, as we go through this Month over those things you have God's Promise over, it might likely encounter a storm(no one prays for such), *but God today wants to help us Navigate through how to shut down every other reports or pronouncement that could come after He the Lord has spoken today.* That same Marriage, Business, Job, Promotion, Success etc, that you are confident it has the backup of God and will receive God's Mercy face a trial and you will begin to hear all sorts of reports though from Human, but it is the devil's attack *(It is important also that we are aware, that for every promise we get from God as concerning a matter or plan, the devil is on the race to see us not becoming a product of that Promise, either by discouraging through unseemingly event to loose Faith & Trust in God, or by distracting us to loose Alignment from God in Obedience).* 

🎯But today the Lord says as you go through February, and the other months of this year, in the face of unforseen, unpleasant circumstances. *Whose Report will you Believe?*, Many at times we begin to get informations that are frightening, hopeless and threatening, from people you think by reason of their deduction, their information in true sense might be real, but never you forget that God says He has not change His mind over that which He said concerning you, and you know our God shows up in impossible situations to make the the Wisdom of this world foolishness *(1 Corinthians 3:19).* 

🪐Therefore over that Contract you have been confident will fall on your side, the people in charge of it says _[Sorry but your Proposal never met up to requirement],_ God told you this year that you will carry your own baby, You went to the Hospital to run some test because you are feeling somehow to test if the miracle is there, but the Doctor said , _[We are Sorry but it is not a foetus, but something else which needs proper attention before it causes a damage to you],_ or you are awaiting your marriage proposal, _[but with the circumstances at hand it looks unrealistic],_ or for a disease you never foresaw came suddenly. In all of these, *Whose Report would you Believe?*, but let me make us know that God's Report over our lives only comes through His Word for every challenges that we might encounter, there are Life Insurance policy in God's Word to handle that report that negates what God has initially spoken concerning you. 

📍It is God's Report (His Word), we should Magnify and talk about it, in that intimidating Situation, *we most times tend to begin to talk about and Magnify the report that negates God's Original Counsel over our lives, and this becomes a Mountain right in front of us, and we begin to wonder when did this Mountain erupt. No Challenge or Problem becomes a Mountain until we begin to pay attention to it, and Magnify its effect in our lives,* but God's Word Magnified and Declared always brings Solution to any situation, because we are calling right to come takeover that situation. Remember that He said in His Word, "He Exalt His Word, above His Name (Psalm 138:2).

📌Let me leave you with this, that you have a Prophetic Word or a Promise from God over a thing, and such thing did not come out as expected doesn't make God a liar or that He has deserted you, {but whosever will receive Gold & Silver (Haggai 2:8) from God is not one that will be an unbaked or a raw Child of God, but one that is fully refined, strong and undaunted}, and this you become through an Ardent Faith in the Father that promised you, and trust only on His own Report, regardless of any other Report, this is how God build men, [your inability to go through this Process makes you receive a Miracle from God today, and tomorrow run to the devil, that God is not sure, just like the Isrealite].

 Henceforth you want to Only believe God's initial Report, regardless of those coming after from any other source and Magnify that Report, so you make the devil flee before you. Remember a Man does not live by Bread alone but by Every Word of God.

🎀Stay Blessed, and a Happy New Month.

✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 Olufunke Writes Series.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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