Be Responsible for what Sits at the Epicenter of your life this Month


Divine Instruction for the New Month & 2nd Quarter of the year.

 *Focus:- Be Responsible for what Sits at the Epicenter of your Life this Month* 

๐Ÿฆป๐Ÿป (Isaiah 55:3) "Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you".

๐ŸŽฏWith so much Excitement in the air for the Privilege to Witness another Month, we do not forget to go into the month leaving our Physical and Mental perceptions along, but unfortunately we leave behind the most important thing which enables us to Thrive, and *that is the Counsel & Instruction of the Lord.* As you step into this Month, _(What particular Instruction & Counsel have you received from the Lord)_, which will be the mule that cautions every of your biddings through out the Month or the Foundation that holds firm all you intend to build this Month. If you are going to leave anything behind this Month, you should never leave behind His Presence, this should be ahead of you as you step into the New Month, this Presence should be ahead of you, because it is what will give you illumination and empower you for an easy journey this Month. This Presence which literally is a Light is only received through the Word of God (both that which He writes on your Mind or Speaks to you about), without a Word from God (which signifies God's Presence and a bright shining light), you may go through this Month with effortless adventure.

๐Ÿ“ŒWhy is it important to have a Word from God before proceeding into the New Month? Is it necessary, you might ask, after all I have read my Bible or I have Prayed. At the Core of a man's life is a Seat which is freely opened to fill, an whatever fills that seat is what automatically takes control of such a man's Decision, Direction and Authoritative Voice that communicates with such a man, and as such anyone in this shoe will only submit to the Occupant of the Seat of His/Her Mind (Core). And whatever is at the Seat of your Core is in charge of ruling and directing such a life. If your Mind is not engage with the Living Word of God, it definitely will be open to other factors to have access into it, and the end product of this, is what your life will be acting out as a Script. For instance, if your mind is not engage and guarded, your thoughts, desires, self motivation, advice could creep into that space and take Order of such life. 

 [๐ŸŽฏHaving the Living Word of God engage your Mind is not just about being Religious & Spiritual, but it gives the HolySpirit the Opportunity to take charge and take the Lead of such life, (and the end result of this is that you will enjoy Divine Guidance, Direction, Counsel and Comfort) through out that Month and beyond] 

๐Ÿ“God is always ready to give you His Word, *(as a Promise, Fortress and Seed upon which the HolySpirit can operate),* but how willingly and submissive are you to receive. We short-cut our Possibilities for each New Month and Day, when we Journey through it without a Word from God which Signifies the Light that help us Walk through the Month unharmed and disappointed.

It is not too late to go back to God to and ask Him, for your Leverage in the New Month revealed through His Word, and as you receive it Hold forth, this Word of Life (Phillipians 2:16) so that when the enemies, challenges and unexpected circumstances of life arise in between this Word will be a Standard against them, and will have no choice than to submit to it's authoritative voice (Isaiah 59:19, Psalm 18:44).

 ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™We Pray your receptive senses are alive to capture what God has Prepared for you. 

Stay Blessed.

 ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽŠWe wish you a Happy New Month and Increase on all Sides.

 ๐Ÿ“Œ[Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries]


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