Principles that Unlocks the Blessing of the New Month Regardless of the Report of your Physical Condition.


*Principles that Unlocks the Blessing of a New Month Regardless of the Report of your Physical Condition.* 

(Psalm 84:11) _"No Good thing will He withold from those who love Him, and who walks uprightly before Him"._ 


πŸ‘†πŸ» Through this Scripture, we can see that, that need of yours is not because God is unjust, or unfair or rather incapable of bringing it to you. Every New Month comes not only with Blessings, it is also an avenue to Hope for Possibilities over that need that you are trusting God for. You shouldn't give up or conclude that no good thing can come forth of this New Month, it definitely can because God will not withold what belongs to us, but before that it is important to know that this Scripture only attends within the Jurisdiction of the Obedience of this Principle *(Your Love for God & Steadfastness before Him).* 

God only moves where Principles are kept, ofcourse He says If we call upon Him, he will answer but that doesn't negate the fact that we disregard the Principles that keeps us out of the mishap of the devil. Majority of us take God as an errand personnel who we only recognize and do His bidding when we need something from Him, but the moment we are satisfied and have ease we forget that He exists. Until we come to Learn that God is not to be used, but to be Worshipped, Served and Daily Connected, we will keep zoning ourselves to an area of no result.

As you hope for the best in this New Month, Check your Love Guage for the Lord, and how Steadfast you are to the things of God and His laws. There are so many things contending for our time and Relationship with God, regardless of our Schedule and the challenges that might confront, don't let your love for God wax cold so also ensure that you uprightly before the Lord. God told Abraham walk before me and be thou Perfect (Genesis 17:1), not that He hasn't been faithful in serving the Lord, but there are certain blessings that comes to you on the measure of your Steadfastness, you therefore don't want to gamble with your Walk with Lord this moment, do not let them enemy siege have avenue in your life.

 When your Love for God is in place through consistency in your Relationship with Him, and you walk uprightly before Him, the following πŸ‘‡πŸ»will help you position rightly to receive the blessing. 

*•Maintain a Heart of Gratitude,* (Miracles move in the atmosphere of Joy [Acts 16:25-34 ].


• *Confess the Scripture that address your need, till it become a Reality in your life.* 

• *This Month, stay akin to the Word of God, it will guide you on how to position to receive the due blessing.* 

• *Subdue every Pressure to look for a Solution outside God (Genesis 16:1), it hinders the blessing that is about to be delivered to you.* 

• *Go for only what has the Signature & Seal of God so that you will not miss that which God has Prepared for you.* 

πŸ‘†πŸ» Giving yourself to these principles, helps you convert every hollowness that the enemy might use to discourage you from focusing on what God has Prepared for you to Peace that surpasses all understanding till your becomes a Reality.

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™I Pray that you are able to Commit to what will bring you into Possibilities & Greatness of God.

Stay Blessed.

 ✍🏻✍🏻✍🏻 Olufunke Writes Series.

 ©[The Olufunke Platform]


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